Wisdom teeth - Jachary

Start from the beginning

"Zach babe, it's cold out, keep your shirt on," I said pulling his shirt down.

"No IMMA MAN!" he shouted then took off his shirt. (Anybody know where I'm getting this from???)

"Zach, you're going to freeze, put it back on."

"Nope," he said then crossed his arms. I quickly wrapped my arms around him so he wouldn't fall then I kept helping him walk to the car. When we got to the car Zach was frozen so I helped him put his shirt back on.

"Are you warm now?" I asked him.

"Yeeaaahhh," he slurred.

"Ok good," I said then kissed his cheek. I opened up his car door then helped him sit in the seat, then I did up his seatbelt quickly. "Ok I'm just going to go to my side ok?"


I walked around the back of the car to the driver side and got into the car. I sat down and did up my seatbelt then held Zach's hand in mine.

"Ready babes?" I asked gently.

"Mmhm," Zach mumbled. I backed out of the parking space and started driving back to the Why Don't We house. "Can I FaceTime Jonah?" Zach asked with a yawn.

"Of course Baby," I replied. Zach took out his phone and FaceTimed Jonah, Jonah immediately answered.

"Hiii," Zach mumbled.

"Hey bro, how was the surgery?" Jonah asked.

"I had surgery?" Zach asked shocked. "Why didn't you tell me that Jack?"

"I thought you knew babes," I answered.

"Okayyyy," Zach slurred.

"Yeah you needed surgery to remove the teeth," Jonah explained to Zach, who was still puzzled about the situation.

"Ooohhh," Zach said tilting his head back a little bit. "Hey Jack."

"Yes Baby?" I asked.

"I love youuu," Zach told me. I sat shocked for a little bit, that was the first 'I love you' in our three month relationship.

"I love you too baby," I replied then kissed the back of his hand.

"Aww, you guys are cute. But I'll see you when you get home Zach," Jonah said.

"Ok, byeeeee," Zach said then hung up. I held Zach's hand, wondering if he meant what he said because he's still loopy from medicine.

When we got to the house I helped him inside and all of the boys came to greet us.

"Hi Zach!" Corbyn welcomed.

"CORBYYNNNN!" Zach shouted then hugged him.

"Hey bro, how are you?" Corbyn asked Zach.

"Gooooood," Zach replied.

"Let's get you up to bed, ok?" Corbyn asked Zach.

"Okayyyyy," Zach replied. Corbyn took Zach's arm and put it over his shoulder then I did the same with his other arm. We helped him up the stairs as a painfully slow rate but we eventually made it to Zach, Jonah, and Corbyn's shared room. We laid Zach down on the bed and I got in the bed with him, I wrapped him in my arms and kissed his forehead.

"You go to sleep, ok babes?" I said.

"Okayyyyy," Zach replied then closed his eyes.

"Wait babe you need to take out the gauze before you sleep," I said quietly rubbing his back.

"Mmmmmm," Zach mumbled.

"Come on babe, open your mouth," I said. Zach obeyed and opened his mouth slightly. I took out the gauzes with a Kleenex then threw them out. "If you feel the bleeding then tell me ok?"

"Ok," Zach replied then closed his eyes. I wrapped him in my arms and he fell asleep slowly.

*the next morning*

I woke up to the sound of grunting, i opened my eyes and saw Zach holding his jaw in pain.

"What's wrong baby?" I asked.

"It hurts, a lot," he said.

"Ok, let me get you some Advil, one minute," I told him. I gently kissed his forehead then went to the bathroom, I opened the cupboard and grabbed some Advil and a glass of water then went back to the bedroom and handed both to Zach. He took the Advil as I laid back down beside him. "Do you remember anything from yesterday?" I asked.

"No, I just remember going into surgery," he answered. "Did I do anything stupid?"

"No, you were super cute in that state actually," I told him. His cheeks went a darker shade of red than usual and he covered his face with his hands, I pulled his hands away and kissed his lips softly. "Don't hide when you blush, it's cute." Zach blushed a little bit more and I smiled at him, I kissed his cheek quickly. "Well you did FaceTime Jonah in the car on the way home. And you kinda said um......"

"I love you," Zach finished.

"Yeah, you remember?" I asked.

"Of course I remember that part," he told me.

"Did you mean it?" I asked.

"Of course, I love you with my whole heart."

"I love you too Zach," I told him. I kissed his lips softly but passionately and the kiss lasted about a minute.

When we finally pulled away I smiled at him, his cheeks were still puffy from the surgery. "Your cheeks are still puffy," I told him. Zach quickly covered his cheeks with his hands and blushed in embarrassment, I pulled his hands off of his cheek then kissed one cheek then the other. "Don't worry, it's cute," I said with a smile. I quickly kissed his lips then we went downstairs for breakfast.

A/N hey angels :) if you want to send in a request just DM me ❤️

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