His Home-Chapter five

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His Home

As Miana began to regain her senses she awoke with a dull headache that only seemed to intensify by the second. Slowly sitting up clutching her head, her weight causes the mattress to squeak, she looks around the room her mind still in a sleep haze.

"Wait a second.." Miana mumbles taking a double take on the room. She looked around instead of her wooden walls she was surrounded by cream colored walls, the paint already chipping and peeling off. This wasn't her small comfy room at all. "This isn't my room."

The room was bare except the bed that she was on. She felt like she was in a prison of some sort. And it didn't help put to put her mind at ease that there wasn't even a window in the room.

"Where... am I?.." she said aloud thinking no one would answer her question.

"You're in my "Home".. "

Miana snaps her head up to see "him" come through the door and into the room. Something was trying to get her attention at the back of her mind but she brushed it off. Focusing her attention the purple eyed beast before her.

"You.." she said in an icy tone, her eyes becoming guarded as she scowled at him, her face giving away nothing. "Why'd you bring me here?" She asked keeping her voice cool.

A smirk appeared on his lips as he leaned against the now closed door, his tall broad figure seeming to block the door, frame and all, from her view. She became very aware of his presence and his cocky smirk, causing her to lift the bed covers over herself trying to hide herself from his view.

"I brought you here to be "bait" for the Angel." He said shrugging as if it wasn't a big deal.

She scowled at him her anger starting to rise. She was not BAIT! She grinded her teeth together to keep herself from lashing out at him like she so craved to do. Instead she just glared at him in silence.

"Your aim is Vallis then." She said gnawing her bottom lip, remembering him with his snow white wings threaded with faded gold on the tips.

He nodded "And he'll be here soon enough. He wouldn't want to keep you waiting." he said waving his hand toward her in a gesture. His eyes becoming hooded as malice began to churn in there depths, obvious plans for Vallis's arrival formulating in his head.

She swallowed down the lump in her throat, Miana didn't know a lot about "him" but she did know he was a blood thirsty lunatic. And frankly that was enough for her to tell her that he was a bad guy and she did not want to get on his bad side. Clutching the covers closer around her body she remember the two nights that she had encountered him in her dreams, a chill sweeping down her spine. It was not an experience she wanted to repeat... EVER.

Derik's attention was pulled back to the human who clutched the covers close to her body as if to encase herself from the world, the smell of fear radiating off of her. Normally he'd revel in the smell or presence of it, but feeling in on her left an unpleasant knot in his stomach. Her eyes were wide and glazed at she focused on something other than the wrinkles of the bed covers in front of her, her face pale, and he could see her visibly shaking.

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