She isn't shy about anything, and in the last hour we've spent in this room she's asked me at least a hundred different questions, her moss green eyes having the uncanny ability to both pull answers out of me...and cut through my attempts at elaboration.

Then again, with her straddling my lap as she asks me questions, it's difficult for to do anything but give her the answers she wants, that and play with strands of her silky dark brown hair as I watch her pink lips move as she talks...a little distracted by the idea of kissing them, wondering if they're as soft as they look.


I snap out of my daydreaming at the sound of her voice calling my name, and I wrench my eyes away from her mouth to meet her eyes...which are staring at me inquisitively.

"Yes Gorgeous?" I ask, feigning confidence, and she raises an eyebrow.

"Did you hear my question at all?"

The heat that rushes to my cheeks gives me away, and her lips twitch upwards into a smile that distracts me yet again.

"No...sorry, I was a little-"

"Distracted?" She interrupts, a purr rumbling in her chest as her eyes darken.

"A little..." I answer as my gaze goes back to her mouth, and her purring gets louder....which is the only warning I get before she attacks my mouth with hers...the feeling of warm sparks exploding throughout my body making an excited growl leap out of my chest before I begin kissing back, my hands curling around her waist as her fingers tangle in my hair.

Her lips are just as warm and soft as I thought they would be, but they still don't yield a bit as she devours my mouth feverishly...dominating the kiss in a way that no girl I've ever dated before has been capable of doing...and I quite like it.

"Satisfied now?" She murmurs after she pulls away, both of us a little out of breath as we stare at each other.

"For now.." I admit sheepishly, and she laughs.

"If you want a kiss, all you have to do is ask." She purrs before gently kissing me again, and just as I close my eyes to enjoy it a sharp pain in my bottom lip makes them shoot open in surprise.

"Did you...did you just bite me?" I ask in shock, running a finger over my lip. It's not bleeding, but there are little divots where her teeth put pressure.

"I might have gotten a little excited..." She answers, and the sight of her descended canines gets me a little excited.

"It's fine...I just wasn't expecting you to bite me, at least not there-" I snap my mouth shut when I realize what I just said...out loud. And the sight of Maka's devious grin makes me a little nervous.

"Oh really? Is there somewhere else you'd like me to bite?" She teases, running a finger down my neck to my shoulder, and I let out a low growl as she runs over the sensitive spot own canines flicking out in response.

"You sure that's the only place?" She teases again, and my cheeks get a little bit redder...goddess this woman is something else.

"I think I can handle that....on one condition."

"And what's that?" I reply, my heart racing a little at the idea of her marking me already.

Silver Eyes Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora