Modeling On Halloween, With A Secret? (part 2)

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A/N: I know it's not Halloween but it has to be continued >:3

The photo above is a drawing I made of Peter wearing a spiderman onsie. Just like the one Evan is going to wear.

@Lisa_Geek first viewer of this book. I know I like mentioned you on this book once or twice.

Let's get onto the story! But of course, it's still Halloween for them--

(Connor's POV)

The whole Milk Squad was shocked.

You know, the whole modeling Evan does.

"ThereisnofuckingwayEvanisgoingtowearthat" Jeremy screamed freaking out.

"Iliveforspidermanandilovemybrother" Jeremy said so quick, he stood up running to the kitchen.

"AMIXOFBOTHISTOOMUCHTOHANDLELIKEWOAHHHH" He yelled to quickly, followed by a scream.

Jeremy just continued to scream random words in the kitchen while we sat in the living room, scared.

"Ano ba'yon, nakakabingi. Ayon tuloy, nakaka-nosebleed." Michael mumbled in Filipino, sticking a finger in his ear.

"Translation please." Jared spoke.

"It's deafening, it's making me have nosebleed." Michael said like it was obvious.

"nosebleed?" Alana asked as Jeremy still screamed in the background.

"It's a term we Filipinos used when we don't understand what y'all are talking about." Michael groaned standing up when he checked his watch.

"Why are you standing?" Zoe asked.

"Trick-Or-Treating is starting soon." He said getting out his costume for the day.

"Great! Now go get dressed, I can't wait to do all of your make-up." I said standing up, going up to my room.


This house is doomed.

I got into my room, getting out the Deadpool costume I bought. Like, I don't understand why Zoe said 'It would attract Evan'

I said it wouldn't but she told me to wear it anyway.

I put on the spandex costume, but not the mask. I got the props that came with the costume and zoomed down stairs.

"Why am I Deadpool again?" I asked them.

Most of them are wearing their costumes anyway.

When I say most, Jeremy is the only one who is still screaming.

"Jeremy, Mr. And Mrs. Heere are not going to get mad at your brother for him model-"

"Y E A H!! S U R E" Jeremy shouted as he ran away from Michael.

Too bad Jeremy bumped into me.

"what the fuck dood, I have a boyfriend." I joked.

"me too" He mumbled, finally calm.

Jeremy got his costume and rushed into the bathroom to dress up.

Finally, time to do the make-up.

"who wants to go first?" I asked them.

"I'm going as the Joker, so I really need some help." Jared said sitting down on the dining table.

Time passed and I was able to do all of their make-ups. I don't need because I'm gonna wear a mask from time to time.

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