The Fine Line Between A Secret & A Lie

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As I slowly regained consciousness and began flexing my muscles before I even dared open my eyes. I wanted to be in full control of my body before I let it be known that I was awake.

Especially since I had no clue to who I would be waking up to.

I peeked open one eye and found myself to be laying on some kind of old cot. There was a sorry excuse for a blanket laying under me and I stared at a brick wall. Slowly, I turned on my back and propped myself up on one elbow.

Looking around me, I saw that there wasn't much in the room and it was very similar to the one Landon had taken me to. But this time it had been Nathaniel. That bastard, where was he?

As if on cue, he walked in the tall, rusty door across the room with a paper bag in one hand and a cup in the other. He didn't look up until he reached my cot and by the look on his face, he didn't know I was awake until his eyes met mine.

I left my face blank of emotion but spat out the words, "How could you? After everything, I trusted you."

He didn't hide his own pain, and it spread across his face like wild fire. "I-"

No," I cut him off, "I don't want to hear your excuses, Nathaniel."

He sat down on the cot and I moved away from him without thinking. Nathaniel sighed, dropped the bag on the bed and handed me the cup, "I brought you something, thought it might help the burning."

I peered into the cup to see a red, thick substance. I almost gagged at the sight and I pushed the cup back in his direction. Pushing it back at me, he looked at me expectantly, "Kate, you have to."

Reluctantly looking down, I sloshed it around in the cup and it surprisingly made me thirsty, rather than nauseous. I drank the entire thing down in one gulp and it soothed the small itching feeling that had built in the back of my throat.

Looking at Nathaniel, I didn't give him time to say anything, "Why did you do it? Make me have feelings for you, protect me, and all just to betray me. And you knew that that's what it would come down to all along."

He licked his lips and didn't dare meet my gaze, "Because I had so much hate in my not beating heart, for the coven, the king, that I was blind to anything else. All I wanted was to revenge her death."

My heart sank at his words, but I never let it show. Instead I whispered, "Can I go now?"

He shook his head, looking at his hands, "I'm sorry, Kate, but I can't allow you to go back. I can't allow you or him to take the throne."

Shooting up off the cot, a look if disbelief, "That's not your decision to make, and you certainly can't stop me from leaving."

Standing up straight, I shook my head at him almost in defeat, "I hope you know, revenge won't make the hurt go away. It will only hurt yourself in the end."

Walking towards the door, I threw another comment over my shoulder, "I hope you're happy, Nathaniel."

Stopping me dead in my tracks, he threw his own comment back at me, "I know you had your parents killed."

Without turning back around, I kept my voice steady and asked, "Who?"


Whipping around, I let my eyes burn into his own, "You lie."

A smirk that I wasn't used to seeing on his gentle face appeared, "You don't have to believe me, but it was him. He sent them to kill you, but they killed your parents instead."

My body felt weak, and the blood drained from my face. Turning on my heel, I walked through the door. I heard Nathaniel coming after me so I ran, and I ran fast using my new abilities to the fullest.

Running through a long, dark tunnel, I heard him right on my heel. I whipped myself around as fast as possible and used his own momentum to throw him into the wall.

He crashed into the bricks, making them crumble behind him and I took off once again, leaving him far behind me.


I didn't stop running until I reached the kingdom. And even then, I briskly walked through the corridors and up the stairs.

I could smell him, he was in his room and I didn't stop along the way when Greyson called out my name. Bursting in through the large double doors where I knew he stood behind, I found him looking out the window.

Micah turned to see who the intruder was, and his face softened when he saw me. His hair was messily spiked up in the front but it looked perfect on him. His green eyes were shining and they sparkled as he gazed at me lovingly.

It felt like someone had reached their hand inside my chest and was squeezing on my heart, seeing him look so flawless, so passionate and knowing what he did.

Clenching my teeth together, I didn't hesitate, "Is it true? Did you have my parents killed?"

His face paled, and his mouth opened but no words came out. And that was when I knew it was true. Nodding my head at him in understanding, I pursued my lips and felt the tears building in my eyes but I didn't dare let them fall.

He took a step forward, arms extended to grab me but I shrank back away from him. He searched my face with his eyes, a look of desperation covering his own, "Please, let me explain!"

Holding up a hand to silence him, I shook my head and looked away, "Just don't."

And if my heart wasn't already dead inside me, it might have shattered at that moment. Micah blurted out, "I should have told you, I'm sorry!"

I looked at him with sad eyes, "You lied to me."

I turned to leave and I felt his soft touch as he grabbed my hand and he pushed his voice into my mind, Please don't leave, Katherine, please.

I replied out loud, "It's Kate, and I have to find my sister."

And with that he let me go, because he knew that was the only thing he could do.

When I entered my apartment, I found it eerily quiet. I only came to find something with Alex's scent on it. I needed to track her, wherever she may be. And I had a feeling that she was far, far away.

Taking a deep breath, I walked into Alex's room and made a point of not staying long. Finding a blouse she had left on her bed, I snatched it up and held it to my face. It smelled like lavender, her favorite perfume.

Fighting back the tears, I walked into my own room and grabbed a pair of skinny jeans out of my dresser along with a gray v neck and a black zip up. Changing as quickly as possible, I ran out of the apartment as once I was done.

I had no desire to be there any longer than I had to. I let my long blonde locks flow over my shoulders and pulled my hood over my head to hide my face.

Finding her was the only thing on my mind as I pushed Micah and Nathaniel to the darkest corner inside my head.

It was nightfall and I walked the streets of St. Louis to try my best and find a whiff of her scent. After a few hours of no luck, I finally came to a park with a small pond, a cute little bridge crossing over it and a few benches.

I decided to stop and rest for a minute, so I crossed the park and approached the bridge. Walking slowly, I came to the middle and stopped, gazing at the water as the moon and stars relfected on it.

And then I smelled her. It was so faint, but it was there and I ran in it's direction.



Sorry, I'm just trying to get something new on here for you guys since it's been so long! buuuut vote&comment please to let me know what you think. xo

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