"No!" Taehyung quickly says.

"Jeongguk, I---".

"No, Prince Taehyung, we are not supposed to talk." Jeongguk says.

"No Jeongguk, it's you who think like that. Why would I not want to talk to you. It's you who wanted to be a stranger to me." Taehyung says and Jeongguk scoffs.

"And you know why I said that. If you don't want to marry me, if you don't even think of me as someone you can even trust, then I see no point in talking to you." Jeongguk replies.

"You don't understand Prince Jeongguk, if I marry you, there will be so many problems." Taehyung says.

"Do I need to remind you how proudly you stated that you and your kingdom accept this marriage?" Jeongguk narrows his eyes and steps forward.

"It was all to convince the ministry." Taehyung speaks.

"Did you? Did you convinced them?" Jeongguk challenges.

"I am sure I did, though it's not my fault to have a nature so submissive to Alpha voice." Taehyung retorts, clearly making Jeongguk remember when he used his Alpha voice.

"That's not my fault either." Jeongguk says, eyes fixed side to the vase.

"I know." Taehyung lets out humourless chuckle. He feels proud of himself because he hasn't cried yet.

"Are we going to stay like this even after the wedding?" Taehyung asks and Jeongguk slowly looks at him.

"I don't know, maybe." Jeongguk replies.

"But I don't want to."

"Just stop this nonsense!" Jeongguk snaps as he raises his voice. "First you tell me you don't want to marry me, then you are worried about me and now you say you don't want us to be like this after he wedding?"

"What do you want huh? How do you expect this will change when you don't even want to marry me, when you want this marriage to not happen." Jeongguk asks and Taehyung looks down, ashamed.

"And don't even dare cry infront of me." Taehyung wasn't going to cry but these words made Taehyung's eyes tear up.

"I said don't cry!" Jeongguk roars and Taehyung flinches but steady enough to keep standing. Jeongguk had to let it all out and he is glad he did.

"I want to marry you but I don't want to bring any problems on you." Taehyung says and Jeongguk moves forward, grabbing Taehyung's arms and making him look up.

"Who told you this will happen. Who said this marriage will be problematic?" Jeongguk asks.

"You don't know what I'm going through Jeongguk." Taehyung sobs but relieved to have Jeongguk touching him.

"Then tell me." Jeongguk says but Taehyung can't give up. He can't tell Jeongguk his dream because the Alpha will only make fun of him.

"I can't." Taehyung closes his eyes, ready for Jeongguk to shout at him or let him go but neither happens.

"Why?" Jeongguk asks, frustrated to what is such a thing that Taehyung is hiding from him. What is the reason which had made Taehyung not want this marriage. Though deep down he knows Taehyung wants this but something is holding the omega back and be is determined to find that out, no matter what.

Taehyung opens his eyes only to find Jeongguk staring at him with blood red eyes and the sight makes him whimper.

"Tell me." Jeongguk demands and Taehyung starts squirming in Jeongguk's hold.

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