Chapter Twenty-Seven

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This whole chapter is inappropriate pretty much guys I'll publish another one after that is all clean xx

I step out of the bathroom, looking across the hall to the small kitchen where Draco is looking through the cabinets. I smile at the slightly worried look on his face, and as I walk over to him, my feet padding against the wooden floor, he turns quickly. The worried look disappears as he scans my body and puts down the box of pasta he's holding, leaning up against the bench.

I walk over, standing a few metres away from him, my hands brush against the stone benchtop and I turn to face him, leaning back up against the wall behind me. I nod at the pasta,


He nods, smiling, "Not much here, I'm afraid."

I nod, and I glance at my feet, then back up at him, watching as he takes a few steps forward. He gets close enough to smell his cologne and I raise an eyebrow. He slowly brushes his hands up my bare legs, and my breath hitches, feeling a light tingling where his hands touch my skin. His hands reach my hips and he smirks, leaning closer and whispering just below my ear,

"You're not wearing any underwear, darling."

I shiver, and he pulls back, looking deep into my eyes, "Would you like me to put some on?"

He doesn't answer.

He instead kisses me intensely, pushing me back against the wall, his hands at my waist running over my skin over and over, holding me against him as our kiss deepens. Breathlessly, he grabs me, lifting me up and breaking our kiss as I squeal, giggling as he lays me down on the black leather couch. We pause, eyeing each other, savouring the moment. I bite my lip, my hands curling through his hair and pulling him down to me.

He pulls my shirt up, out from underneath me and over my head, tossing it to the side. I blush as he begins to kiss my neck, my ear, lightly caressing my skin with his lips, and then, kissing and pulling at me, and my grin melts away as I whisper a moan. My back arches as he moves down, he holds me down at my hips as he kisses my breast, making me whimper and wriggle beneath him as electricity runs down through my very centre, and as he moves back to my mouth I start fumbling with his shirt, untucking it and undoing it.

He takes it off, chuckling at my effort, and then lies back down, kissing me softly, a single hand brushing down my front, and as my hand weakly try to undo his pants I falter, moaning as his hand slips between my legs. He chuckles, raising an eyebrow,

"You're a bit horny," He says quietly, amused.

I try to say something witty in response, but all that comes out is a breathless moan. He smirks, moving just a little faster, and I gasp, my eyes widening is I curse under my breath. He takes his hand away, and I shiver, my hips bucking slightly. He stops, and then starts again, and I close my eyes, my back arching as he gets faster and I moan breathlessly into the couch beside me and then- He sits back, smirking at me, and I feel the heat rising in my cheeks.

"You tease," I say, with very little conviction,

He grins, "I could just leave now-" He goes to stand and my body twists slightly, I see a hunger flare in his eyes, but it hides behind a mischevious grin.

"Don't-" I say before I can help myself. He smirks.

"Begging now, are we?"

"Draco," I groan, and he leans a little closer to me, raising an eyebrow, tracing a hand down my inner thy and then back up, smiling as my hips buck,

"I should really make dinner-" He goes to stand again, and I groan,

"I'll get my brother to kill you-"

He chuckles, "Harry, Draco wouldn't make me cum, will you kill him for me?" He mocks me,

"Any excuse is enough at this point," I smile,

He nods to himself, "Well, in that case-"

He leans down, his hand slipping back between my legs. I haven't a clue what he's doing, but my god, it's intense, addictive. I moan and squirm as he begins to move faster, his breath lingering on my neck, my breath hitching as a feeling pools in my stomach and my body tenses and I-

Oh, fuck.

I release the throw pillow I'd been clinging to, melting as my body shivers and I moan quietly, and he sits up, staring at me with an intense hunger in his eyes, one I've missed.

"That was hot," He croaked, and I nod,

"Do you want to have sex?"

"Yes-" He answers quickly, cutting himself off and kissing me hard as I shiver slightly, still recovering.

I thought it would be strange, being with him like that again, but as our bodies moved together, and we laughed at each other, and as we melt into each other, becoming breathless and noisy, our words changing to ineligible moans, I felt so entirely at home.

Eventually, his breath hitches and he releases a stifled groan, shivering as he collapses into me. I smile into his hair, my hands brushing over his back as he calms. He props his head up, looking at me, and smiling softly.

"That was intense," I chuckle,

"You're telling me," He breathes,

He gets up, rubbing his face in his hands and glancing at me, then begins to redress himself. I get up, pulling on his white tee shirt and watching as does the buttons up on his shirt with shaky hands, messily, so that the buttons are in the wrong place. I wriggle over to him, kissing his cheek and pressing my face into his, smelling his skin. He pulls me into him, kissing my head and squeezing me into his chest.

"I love you, Malfoy."

"I love you too, Potter."



I am UnCoMfOrTaBlE

but I'm not but like i am

The War | The Sister Book #4 | Harry Potter FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz