
I had no idea why I wore my cutest dress, considering the fact that I wasn't a contestant and I needed to avoid all distractions while I was taking pictures.

The event started as soon as the clock struck 6 and everyone came piling in not too long after. Even as I was preparing my camera stand, one of the charity organizers tried to make me a contestant but I explained that I was here for work and luckily, I was left alone after that.

Seyi came towards me, giving me a hug when the females contestants category had started "You should have been up there. You would have made alot of money for charity for us"

I pointed at my camera for emphasis "Work"

Seyi squeezed her face playfully "Nice excuse"

I chuckled, then a question rolled off my mouth, before I could control it "where's Ayo? I haven't seen him around"

.If Seyi was surprised by my question, she didn't show it "He's presently backstage waiting. It wasn't an easy feat but I was able to convince him to be a contestant. For charity, ofcourse. Isn't that great?"

But it wasn't great, to me, at least. I couldn't even try to picture him going on a date with another woman. What if he grew to like her? I hated all these thoughts running around in my head. Why was I even bothered?

I gave my tightest smile, trying really hard to make it look legit "Yeah it's soo great"

Seyi nodded and patted me gently on my back "Let me leave you to work. Later, thenl"

After saying my goodbye, Seyi departed and I was left alone with my thoughts. I needed to bid on Ayo and I definitely had to win. I cursed inwardly, when I realized that I left my purse in the house. Oh my God, am I going crazy? Was I that jealous of Ayo being around another woman that I wanted to spend alot of money for a bid so I could get a date with him? How desperate would I look? Gosh, this was driving me crazy. I quickly calmed down, reminding myself that Ayo and I were merely friends and that was how it was supposed to be.

The male category came up next as I anxiously waited for Ayo's turn and when it did come, I crossed my fingers and prayed that a crazy old woman would be his date.

The bid for Ayo started immediately but I was so engrossed on how he looked. How could someone look so casual and yet, so breathtaking at the same time? Even when he was on stage, I could see the nervousness in his eyes that he casually tried to mask with an easy grin. He immediately caught my gaze, since I was sitting in the front row and I hastily looked away. Hating that I was caught staring at his attractive features, I quickly distracted myself by listening to the bid that I dreaded so much.

The anxiety was killing me watching three attractive young women bid for a date with Ayo. It already looked like the prettiest amongst the three women would win the date when my sister's distinct voice called out "#100,000"

Everyone turned around in surprise, including me. The other women gave up immediately and Sarayah won the bid. I made sure Sarayah saw the confused look I shot at her from afar but she only gave me a sly smile.

After the event had ended, Ayo walked up to me, hands dipped in his pocket and an amused grin on his face. It did feel good to see him again "Your sister won the bid"

I nodded laughing "My sister won the bid and I have no idea why"

Ayo scratched his head "Isn't she married with a kid?"

"You forgot to add happily"

Ayo only gave a whistle "I've never been on a date with a supermodel before"

"You won't have to. Cause you're going on a date with my sister. I took the bid for her" We both turned our heads to the direction of Sarayah speaking. We didn't even know she was around. The diva in her always loved a grand entrance.

Ayo blinked at her "For Abigail?"

"You heard me right. Or is that a problem?"

Ayo and I's gazes locked as he gave me a comforting smile "It's not a problem"

I squeaked immediately "I didn't give consent to this. He's my friend"

Sarayah had an amused look "Then think of it as a friendly date"

But no matter how I tried, I couldn't.


Hey lovelies
Where would you like their "friendly date" to be?
I'd love your hear your opinions and who knows, I might use your date ideas for the date chapter.

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