The Drug

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I came back to my room just in time for supper, the biggest grin plastered on my face. "I got her!" I practically yelled throughout the halls. I didn't want to resort back to my old ways, but when I saw her, alone in the room.... I couldn't continue to think about it. Especially not when I'm winning.

"Charlie! What the hell were you doing?" I hear Neil holler behind me.

I turn to meet his gaze, my grin unfazed by his attitude. "I'm winning, Neil!" I went up to him and shook his shoulders. "I was winning! Don't you understand?"

He examined me. "Were you smoking something other than those cigarettes, Charlie?" He eyed me suspiciously. "You don't seem yourself."

"Oh" I drew out. "I found something that is a hell of a lot better than these cigarettes, Neil."


I finished the last pile of clothes before the dinner bell. I couldn't get the encounter out of my head. He was obviously teasing me. Just another one of his cheap tricks, I guess.

I would just be another chain in that belt of his.

I would admit, he was smooth. Better than melted chocolate. It brought me at least a little bit of entertainment while I'm here.

I decided that if he wanted to use me, I could do it right back. He was graduating this year anyway.

I began my way down the hall after the boys were already in the dining room. I was meant to come through the side to eat with our cook, Mrs. Petrov. For the past few days, she's been too busy to eat with me, so I would  eat by myself in silence. Hopefully, today would be different.

I walked briskly into the kitchen, and announced myself like Mr. Nolan told me to do. "Mrs. Petrov... it's Victoria!"

She peaked around the corner with two plates. "I thought you would never come." I heard her say. She had a really thick Russian accent, and hair like flames. She had a really thick frame and eyes that shone no nonsense. She plopped down in front of me at the table she had set for us, and gestured me to sit. "Sit and eat."

I gave her a small smile and sat down. "How are you, Mrs. Petrov? I haven't had a chance to eat with you yet."

She eyed me with those hard lined grey eyes of hers. "I've been busy."

I shrunk a little. "I know. I wasn't trying to complain." I looked down at my plate to see a stockpile of beets, potatoes, and some steak. My mouth began watering as Mrs. Petrov picked up her utensils and... stared at me.

"Eat, Victoria." She announced.

I shyly picked up the fork, stabbed a beet and stuck it in my mouth. It's was really sweet and seasoned just right. "It's really good. Thank you." I said through my muffled mouth.

Mrs. Petrov simply nodded and began eating her food in response.

A few moments passed before, "Have you found a boy yet?"

I choked on some of the rosemary potatoes I was chewing. "Pardon?"

The cook smirked up at me, and shoved food in her mouth. "You know what I said."

I indeed did. "What do you mean? Find a boy? For what?" I stumbled through the questions, trying not to think about the encounter earlier with Charlie. He wanted to...

She chuckled underneath her breath. "That's a yes then."

I cleared my throat after I swallowed. Before so could come up with an excuse for my rampage, Mrs. Petrov held out a hand in front of me. "Ah, ah. No reasons." She peered in the direction of the cafeteria, which was bustling with movement and laughter. "Who is it?"

I shrunk into my wooden chair. I had a feeling that she would tell on me to Mr. Nolan. He admired her after all. He would believe anything she said, even if it was something like the sky is green.

She refocused her gaze back at me, prying, "I won't say anything, dear."

I figured I would get fired eventually anyway. Carpe diem.

I fixed my eyes to be directly into her intimidating grey ones. "Charlie Dalton."

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I'm really not trying to be one of those stories that just STOPS. Especially on the last chapter, lol.

Thanks for reading!

THE LAUNDRY REBEL ✧.*ೃ༄ charlie daltonWhere stories live. Discover now