"So we can talk to Elysium through Venus?" I asked.

"You just have to know which fragment to talk to. We are all one being, yet we are also many gods. Finding the fragment you want, is like finding a petal on a rose. There are so many there, yet they are all different in some way or another."

"I can talk to Rose with her then?" I asked.

"You can talk to The Flower whenever and where ever you are Myra. Like I said, she's right here." she pressed her finger into the symbol again and I pushed her away.

"If she was really here she would have said something!" I barked.

"Why would she grace you with her presence when all you do is roar at the sky for not helping. You just grow angry because you cannot deal with all the things around you. But instead of taking it calmly and expressing yourself softly, you let it boil inside till you cannot hold anymore in. The pot as long since spilled, and yet you continue to let it fester inside. You won't end up part of Elysium when you fall. Instead I fear, Exodious will claim you."

"Shut up."

"What will you do to get your Flower back?"

"What do you mean?" I blinked.

She put her palm on my chest again and when she pulled her hand back she pulled a rose out of the tattoo on my chest. As if she reached into the ink and pulled it out. "Give this to your Goddess. Make sure to place it in her coffin for us. And wish her well for us." she smiled as she handed me the rose before turning away from me.

"And where will you go then Elysium? Will you remain on the sidelines as all Gods do?" I snarled.

She looked over her shoulder and smiled at me, her bright blue eyes almost electric. "If that is what you think we do, then why are there several residing in your house, and how did The Flower get in a casket? And my name is Avali." Her hooded cape was blown in the wind, and as her body was hidden from view because of it, when the cape moved again, Elysium was no more. And instead blue flower petals blew in the wind before settling down on the forest floor, ever so out of place on the dying leaves on the ground.


I wasted no time running back to the castle, the rose clutched in my grasp. I ran back into the castle crashing into Alexis as she was heading out with her sketchbook.

"Myra? I'm so sorry!" She said as she corrected herself.

"It's nothing, I've been thrown into the horse fence several times." I smiled weakly at her.

She returned the slight smile. "Why are you rushing then?" She asked.

"Elysium was in the forest, or a fragment of it. It gave me this flower, and told me to put it in Rose's coffin." I told her.

Her eyes widened slightly. With everything we've been through she's learned to just believe what I say. We've all vowed never to lie about Elysium. To do so is treason in the castle as it is far too important. "Then you should go do it."

"Come with me." I told her.

"Of course." Was her simple answer. I ran past her and she followed me into the Throne Room.

Rose's casket looked just the same as we ran up to it. With Alexis's help we undid the gold latches which held the coffin shut, and I climbed on Alexis's shoulders to reach Rose's face.

Alexis was no vampire, so her strength wasn't super human. But she was physically a strong person although she didn't look it. So carrying me wasn't a chore.

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