Liam Sick but no one Believes him for Bestofallthefandoms part 2

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Arm update at the end :/

I stretched as I grabbed my phone to check the time, ten o'clock. I heard the boys laughing so I figured I should get up. As I stood up I realised my stomach felt almost completely normal, I smiled as I plopped down on the couch next to Harry.

"Hey Liam!" Harry smiled "How are you feeling today? You're looking a lot better."

"I feel alot better." I smiled back

"Thank the Lord, I couldn't handle another day of puke." Louis replied

I chuckled "Where's Ni at anyways?"

"Probably sleeping still..I'll go check."

Niall's POV

"Nialler?" I heard Louis calling from the door way. I slowly opened my eyes "Hey Ni, are you awake?"

I groaned, my stomach was killing me. Louis took that as his que to open my curtain "You ever gonna wake up mate?" he chuckled

I covered my eyes as the light fell on me "I don't feel good Lou.." I mumbled

"Aww, seriously?" he sighed, he moved my hands away and felt my head "You're warm.."


"Well, wanna get up? Maybe if we give you medicine you'll feel better. Is it your stomach too?"

I nodded as I sluggishly climbed out and followed Louis to the kitchen area. When we got in there Harry and Liam came in. "Oh no, I got you sick, didn't I?" Liam groaned

"Its okay." I mumbled

"I'm such a dick, I'm so sorry Nialler."

Harry chuckled "As if you could help it Liam."

Louis handed me water and two pills "Swallow em' " I did so then the boys set me up on the couch like we did Liam, bucket and blankets.

"Well at least we're off today." Harry tried lightening the mood

I just curled my knees up to my chest in response "I don't wanna throw up."

"I know Ni," Louis sighed "But you'll feel better at least."

"I don't care, I hate it." I whimpered

"Well, do you feel like you're going to puke now?" Liam asked

I shook my head "It's really c-crampy. Was it like that for you?"

"Um, I don't really know. I just woke up immediately feeling sick."

Louis sighed "And your terrible friends didn't even help you."

"Yep, you're all pretty awful to me." he teased

Harry shrugged "Well, we're definitely not going to the movies today now. So, do you want us to put something in Nialler? Just have a chill day on the bus."

"Can't we find a ho- a hotel?" I whimpered as a sharp pain shook through me.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure we could. Liam?"

"I'm already looking." Liam smiled, scrolling through his phone.

We ended up finding one, the bus drove us there and we climbed out, I was leaning on Liam as we went in. We walked through the door and a group of three girls flipped out and started squealing. They asked for a picture, which we took but Harry kindly explained that I was sick so we couldn't stay and talk. They understood and told me to feel better then left.

We checked in then hopped in the elevator to floor 7. On the way up, my stomach began feeling queasy. "Umm, Liam.." I mumbled

"Yeah Ni?"

"My stomachs feeling a little sick now."

He frowned "We're almost there." The doors opened with a ding, just to let on more people. I groaned, of course this would happen.

We finally made it to our room, I immediately threw myself on a bed and curled up in a ball causing the boys to chuckle. "Still feeling nauseous?" Liam asked gently

I shrugged "I wanna sleep.."

"You can cover up Ni."

"Too hot." I mumbled then I was out

I woke up probably an hour later, my throat completely dry. I whimpered as I stretched my legs. Harry looked up from his phone "Oh hey Ni, you're awake!"

Liam came in the room "Are you feeling better?" he asked hopefully

I shrugged "Can I have water? Throat is really dry."

Louis came in "Already got it mate." he tossed it over, but it just hit me on the head. I didn't even react.

"What kind of an aim was that Lou?" Harry laughed

He shrugged with a small chuckle "Sorry Ni."

I picked up the water and took a small sip, suddenly not thirsty at all anymore. My stomach really hurt. I groaned and curled up again "I don't wanna throw up." tears fell down

"Aww Ni.." Liam cooed as he sat by me and rubbed my back, I leaned on his shoulder "You're feeling really sick now?"

I nodded, a sickly burp escaped from my lips and I shoved a hand over my mouth. "Shit, come on Ni." Harry grabbed my arm

I shook my head and leaned more into Liam. "No, I'm not g-going to th-" I gagged into Liam's arm.

"Then grab a bin Lou!"

Louis grabbed one and stuck it in front of my face "No!" I whacked it with another gag. Louis forced the bin under me, Harry made me straighten up, Liam rubbed my back, and my stomach won. I retched over and over into the bin, round after round of vomit barreling into it.

After minutes of retching I leaned into Liam, he didn't comfort me. His body stiffened "Li?" Louis asked timidly

"Mm, I don't think I'm completely better yet.." he mumbled

I pulled away to look at him, he stood up and walked around repeating "You're okay Liam." over and over again. Louis went to clean the bin and Harry stayed with me. "Feeling better?"

I shook my head "Hurts still, b-but I don't wanna puke again."

"Aww Ni, you'll feel better mate."

"No, I don't wan-" I gagged into my fist

"Louis get over here!" Harry yelled

Louis rushed in as I tried holding in my stomach. "What?" he asked

"With the bin, he's about to blow!"


"Oh." Louis ran off to grab it but he was too late. An unexpected retch made me lose it, I tried to hold it in but it came out of my nose. Harry noticed "Aw Ni.." It burned like hell so I quit fighting, I moved my hand and threw up all over the hotel room carpet.

Louis came in and gasped, Liam had completely disappeared. "Shit, sorry Ni."

I whimpered and looked at Harry, he winced when he saw my face. "Come on Ni,. Let's clean you up." we walked to the bathroom, to find Liam sitting on the floor. "What're you doing Payno?" Harry asked

"I threw up." he groaned

"Seriously? I thought you felt better."

"I did, but the sight set me off again and now my stomach hurts."

He sighed while wetting a cloth and handing it to me to clean my face.

The rest of the day was spent with me throwing up and Liam sleeping. The next day Liam was definitely better and I was just tired


Sorry for the crappy ending but I'm probably done writing for three more weeks at least, I'm literally so sad about this :/
So my arm hurts but I keep using it for things and picking stuff up even though I was told to wear a sling and only stretch it. So apparently if I keep using it they'll re break it, cast it, do surgery, and it still might not work. Soooo, I should probably listen and wear the stupid sling.

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