*Prologue; The Pain

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-Sapphire's POV- (9 years old)

The ray of the sun had woken me as I prepared myself for another day of hell. I put on some clothes and opened my room door but was soon greeted by a punch to the face knocking me to the floor.

"Why isn't breakfast ready!?" A man said I know all too well as I stand up and bowed slightly.

"I'm sorry Ta-Mr. Xiao Long, it won't happen again." I said in a monotone voice only to get punched again.

"It better not! Now go make breakfast you piece of shit!"

I didn't say anything as I only nodded before walking downstairs into the kitchen and began to prepare breakfast.

-Small Time Skip, 3rd POV-

Sapphire had set down three plates, one for Tai, one for her half-sister Yang, and one for her twin Ruby leaving her nothing as she watched them eat until.

"Why are you standing there?! Go back to your room!" Yang yell as she was only two feet away from her. Sapphire took a sec as she only nods before heading upstairs but not before receiving a punch to the gut by Yang.....and she can pack a punch.

Later Ruby came into her room as Sapphire was in the bathroom washing her face.

"Sapphire...I got you some leftover's." She said as Sapphire walked out with a slight smile.

"Thanks Ruby."

She smiled in return as she hands her the food before leaving.

Sapphire's smiled dropped once she left as it only leads to one thing...

Tai crashed through the door and sees the food in Sapphire's hand as she was eating it not truly caring at the moment.

"You piece of shit!" He punched Sapphire into the wall thus making her drop her food while Tai walks up and grabbed her by her hair dragging her downstairs before throwing her through the table.

"I'm done with your shit!" He yelled as he went into the kitchen only to come back out with a knife making Sapphire nervous about what he's going to do as her sister's walked down.

"Dad, what goi-" Yang started as she sees the knife and sees Sapphire on the floor.

"D-Dad?" Ruby said in a worried and scared tone.

Sapphire gets up clearly injured as she never had an aura. "P-Please don't do this..." She backup as Tai walks closer.

"Girls...go upstairs...and whatever you hear don't come down."

"Bu-" Ruby started only to get cut off.


Sapphire watched they both hesitated before going back upstairs. "... You're a monster..."

Tai doesn't say anything as he dashed forward slashing with Sapphire narrowly dodging but she fell on her butt thanks to her injury as Tai then immediately cuts missing her except for her left eye as a cut mark appears over her eye before blood gushed out causing her to scream in pain thus making the her sisters jumped hearing her scream becoming more scared.

Sapphire quickly scramble to her feet before dashing for the door holding her left eye trying to stop the bleeding as she opened the door tasting freedom only to see Qrow at the door before trying to pass him only for her leg to be grabbed dragging her in.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" She yelled while kicking the dusty crow but with no effect as she get thrown back in the living room successfully knocking her out.


Sapphire began to wake up and started to move only for have resistance so she figure out she was tied up in a dark room as she assumed she was in the basement.

"Want to leave this place?"

Sapphire looked around scared. "Who's there?!"


"Yeah? And how can I trust you?'

"You don't have to, you just stay if you want."

"...What do you want..?"

"That's my question towards you Sapphire Rose...now tell me what is it that you want?"

"I want...power and freedom."

Sapphire could feel the voice in her head smirk. "Well I'll help you with that all you have to do is let me know when you're ready."

"Umm? What is your name?"

"That's unimportant right now, what's important is that you stay alive so we can meet in person."

Sapphire sighed. "Well can you at least help me get out?"

"Are you ready?" The voice asked.

Sapphire thought to herself thinking about all the shit she's been through before smirking. "I'm ready."

To Be Continued...

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