This Crazy Love (Finale)

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Set during season two.

Summary – When Ezra wakes up from the bacta tank, Sabine must finally admit how deep her feelings are for him. But is the padawan still interested?

Ezra took a deep breath, sucking in air as if it was the last breath he'd ever take. His face was still covered in the jelly-like substance known as bacta, and he lied there on a stretcher, slowly recovering from the healing process. Sabine stood next to him, speaking in a soft tone. It looked to him as if she was trying to help, offering him a towel and some water, but in truth he could hardly hear her over the ringing in his ears. Bacta tanks were strange inventions, compared by soldiers to being on some sort of high. In fact, apparently it was even possible to get addicted to bacta. But Ezra doubted that would ever happen to him, he was always afraid of drowning in the stuff. He'd only been in the tank for an hour, and that was quite long enough. As the padawan slowly glanced around, trying to clear the blur from his vision, his hearing finally returned to him, and he heard Sabine offer him an extra pillow.
"N-no...thanks, I'm fine. Just need a minute" Ezra replied in a quiet voice, groggily rubbing his head. After a few more deep breaths, he turned to her and smiled with a little chuckle. Sabine gave him a confused frown, smiling slightly herself.
"What are you laughing at?" she questioned curiously.
"You. Worrying over me...act like this and you're in danger of making me think you're in love with me, 'Bine" the padawan laughed in response. Sabine gave a small smile, little did he know how right he was.
"Ah, you're not bad, Bridger. But I'm here as a professional courtesy, you got shot talking to me, can you imagine my reputation if you went and died?" the Mandalorian stated, playing the situation off. She had been so close to asking him out before, but now she was faced with the perfect opportunity to do so, she couldn't do it. The girl who had faced off against inquisitors and fyrnocks was now unable to say a few simple words. Kriffing nerves, Sabine thought to herself. She'd lost count now of how many times she'd inwardly cursed herself over this crazy love thing in the past few weeks. Just ask and get it over with, she encouraged herself inwardly. But, as always, something got in the way. And, as it often seemed to be, that something was Zeb.
"Kid! You're awake! I swear, I pop out for one minute and you choose that minute to wake up. Ah well, how you feeling?" the Lasat asked, a friendly smile on his face.
"Not bad, Zeb. Not too bad. What about you? I saw you take a hit before I did, how's your shoulder?" Ezra asked in response, sitting up on his stretcher.
"Ah, this old thing? Fur took most of it, I'm fine" Zeb replied. He then looked towards Sabine, and soon noticed the dejected look on her face.
"Well...Hera had some things for me to do, I'll catch you later, kid" the Lasat said, scratching the back of his neck. As he left the room, he shot Sabine a sly wink, giving her the time alone that she needed.
"So, Ezra...I think there's something I need to say" the Mandalorian said, taking a deep breath.
"Sure, I'm all ears. Well, not literally...uh, you know what I mean" Ezra answered, giving her his full attention. Alright, here goes nothing, Sabine thought to herself in anticipation.
"Recently, I've started developing fee-"she started, but she was quickly cut off by some loud beeps nearby. With a sigh, she turned to the doorway and saw Chopper rolling in, mockingly expressing his distaste at Ezra's survival.
"Yeah, well it just means you get to torture me for a bit longer, doesn't it. I swear, my back's killing me right now, if I find out that you've taken the bolt out of my bunk again then you're dead metal" the padawan warned in only a half-joking manner. The droid then seemed to beep rapidly in panic, rolling quickly out of the room and muttering something about having to 'get those bolts back in'. Ezra shook his head with a grin.
" were saying something, Sabine?" he said, turning back towards her. The Mandalorian briefly took a moment to regain her train of thought, before starting her speech from scratch again.
"Right, yeah, so as I was saying, recently I've-"she began, and once again was cut off, this time by Hera.
"Chopper says you're alright! Good to see you awake again, Ezra. Even an hour without you was too long" the Twi-Lek said in a kind voice, with Kanan hot on her tail.
"OH FOR KRIFF'S SAKE, I LOVE HIM!!!" Sabine suddenly blurted out loudly, realising within a second how loud she'd spoken. It was only then that she saw the entire crew had now gathered in the medbay, all of them looking awkwardly towards her. Chopper gave off a mischievous beep, laughing and claiming that he'd recorded that. Zeb and Hera gave knowing smiles, and Kanan simply widened his eyes in surprise. But their opinions weren't the ones that mattered, it was Ezra who really mattered here. Hesitantly, Sabine turned to face the padawan, and quite typically he had a confused look on his face, clearly trying to determine if he'd heard correctly.
"I think we should give these two a little time alone" Hera suggested, slowly backing away. The rest of the crew swiftly filed out of the room and Zeb closed the door behind him, leaving only Ezra and Sabine left with an awkward silence. Well that went wrong, the Mandalorian thought to herself blankly.

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