In the lounge Cheryl was with Michelle and Liz, but when she saw gloomy Peter enter -- the red bombshell went over to hug him.

"What did she do?" Cheryl asks.

Peter pulled her back with a soft smile, "Nothing, Cheryl. We uh- just need to be friends first." He let out a sad laugh.

A sad laugh that everyone seemed to have bought but Michelle. Michelle was crossing her arms on her chest. She knew exactly what Peter was holding back. The boy told her after the break up. Hell, she was the one he called after he got home.

"I mean we hadn't been friends in years so uh- it wasn't natural." Peter said.

Cheryl, much like Michelle, didn't completely buy it instead decided to drop it. She didn't need to be bitchy at Betty at the moment. Seeing as Betty's sister -- who is pregnant with her future niece or nephew is staying at the Lodges and Cheryl isn't close to either girls.

Cheryl placed a hand on his face, "Alright."

Just then in came Betty and her friends -- though, Betty paused when she saw Peter. They locked eyes with each other. Both having sad looks given to each other.

"Uh- Cheryl, can you join us?" Betty asks.

Cheryl grabs Peter's arm, "Only if Petey joins." She smirks.

Michelle and Liz took this as a sign to leave, both girls heading out of the room to give Betty and her crew a chance to chat with Cheryl and now Peter.

Everyone took a seat in either the couch or the seats next to it. It wasn't surprising that Peter and Betty weren't sitting next to each other -- though it did look odd. Although, it seemed like things were back to how they always been for years, Peter silently sitting next to Cheryl.

"Polly's convinced herself that no one wants her baby." Betty said.

"Besides, of course, the child-snatching Blossom monsters," Kevin said, "No offense, Cheryl."

Cheryl kept her composer, "None taken."

Despite how Cheryl responded, Peter could feel how tensed she was. She did take offense to it. So Peter reached over and held onto her hand. Cheryl glanced at him and smiled softly.

Although, that did not go unnoticed by Betty. For whatever reason, it fueled Betty. All she wanted was to change things -- but now they were complicated. Mostly because she isn't sure how she feels about Jughead.

"So your mom and dad wand Polly but no the baby?" Jughead asks.

Betty nods.

"And the Blossoms want the baby but not Polly?" Jughead asks.

Both Cheryl and Betty nods.

"That's a true Gordian knot." Jughead said.

"It's an impossible situation." Betty said feeling hopeless.

Veronica then stepped in saying, "Betty, come on. An impossible situation is being invited to both the Vanity Flair Oscar party and Elton John's Oscar party on the same night. Which happened to me one year, I know." Veronica said.

Peter eyes Veronica. He went to the Vanity Flair Oscar party -- he was there with his dad. He remembers the flashes from press and paparazzi, he'd doubt Veronica had seen him there or even bothered to remember.

"This is merely an annoying situation." But luckily, I've been percolating on an idea, hellishy simple in its conception. What if my mom and I were to host a baby shower?"  Veronica asks.

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