Hi, I'm Ava :)

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Hi. I'm Ava Potter. "Potter?" I hear you ask. Yes, actually. You see I am indeed the older sister of the Boy Who Lived. Currently, I am to be in my third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and my younger brother, Harry, should have got his acceptance letter by now to start in September.

I know my brother, but he doesn't know me. We were separated, when he was very young, after the deaths of our parents, James and Lily Potter. Whilst Harry lives with our insufferable Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, and cousin Dudley, I was sent to live with my godfather Sirius Black. However, due to the fact I must have been in his care for roughly five minutes, I was later sent to live with Rubeus Hagrid, the Keeper of the Keys and Grounds of Hogwarts (long title I know).

Before you ask, no I am not known as The Girl Who Lived, because nobody knows I was actually there that night, hiding away in a wardrobe like my mother had told me to.

At Hogwarts, I have quite a few friends, the closest of them being Fred and George Weasley, and Lee Jordan- the pranksters. They're all very interested in Quidditch and beg me to come to practice to watch them, but I don't really care for the sport, so I politely decline every time.

Right now, we're about halfway through the summer holidays, and I am staying with the Weasleys, as I do every summer. Hagrid says he will be going to fetch Harry very soon because our aunt and uncle haven't let him read his letters, apparently. He's going to get there on Harry's birthday (the 31st of July) and give him my present and explain to him exactly who I am, after he's got past all the "You're a Wizard" stuff.

Anyway, I'd love to stay and chat, but my pranksters are waiting so we can finish our latest masterpiece... if you hear any explosions, just ignore them- we'll be fine... I think.


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