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Hello and sorry for the belated update.

I miss you guys deeply. How are you? Hope you are doing great. 

Sorry again. I got stuck watching Shane Dawson's documentaries and lastly Jake Paul's mind.

After fallng in love with "Jerika" and binge all of Jake and Erika's videos they broke up and I am feeling deeply sad about it.

Having nothing else to watch ( youtube is kind of boring these days) I went back to wattpad and started reading which cured my writer's block and here we are :D  

Tobiah's Pov

All is supposedly fine and going according to the plan. All seemed to be normal. Even with Cordelia and I's  little slips and mistakes we held an amazing facade. Even our night of drunken passion didn't faze us. With any other girl that foggy night could have turned into drama and ended the contract but Cordelia as always stood strong and confident. She is simply different from any other girl...Different from Lana, especially.

Lana called me three times this week already. She phones under the pretext of making sure that I am okay and happy. She did slip one time though and asked about Cordelia and how is she treating me...I replied honestly and said Lia is treating me perfectly. Immediately my ex's tone changed. She ended the phone-call in a rush but I sensed clear jealousy in her tone. Retelling Cordelia the news, she smiled big and held her cup of coffee high up for me to cheer and I couldn't decline.Oh, Cordelia cheers with coffee more than actual alcohol.  

 As time went by, my  relation with my boss/ fake girlfriend became smoother. We still tease and drive each other insane but that's the beauty of our relation. As days passed by, I couldn't but appreciate Lia more and more. I was already impressed with her work ethics and now after knowing and "dating" her for more than a month I couldn't but appreciate the person that she is...She is simply brilliant: work-wise, personality-wise and even appearance-wise. She is an amazing being and after this year of us dating , I cannot hope her but the very best on all levels. 

Strolling into my office three hours late, I expected to find Cordelia fuming at my door as usual. She still hates one thing about me and that is my carelessness about time. I cannot wake up early. My body cannot function before nine at the morning. I am the last one to leave the company but I am also the last one to get in it. I even work from home and finish projects faster than most. Cordelia pays me well knowing that  I do work as hard as anybody under this roof. Yes, she can fire me easily and get a robotic human being to replace me but my creative side got her to believe in me. She gave me hell for the first months of my employment and even fired me once. However, she re-hired me not long after because she found out that I do preform better than most usual workers.

Weirdly, Cordelia isn't here today. I remember her leaving early yesterday. Questioning her about it over texts, she just said that Helena needed her help. Not willing to bug both girls, I stopped texting Lia and allowed them to have their girls'night freely. Is Helena okay though? I know for sure that Lia won't miss a day of work unless something big is happening? Can Cordelia be in any other floor, checking up on employees? I know that she has a somehow close relation with most of them. Picking my phone up, I called the reception but Audrey informed me that Lia is yet to arrive. 

It is already twenty past ten and this is by far the weirdest thing that could happen. Getting worried as the numbers on my phone's clock changed, I decided to call her. Once, twice, thrice, I tried but Lia wouldn't pick up. Freaking out even more, I texted her but no reply. Pacing back and forth, I started to imagine the worst scenarios ever; what if she got in a car accident? What if she got abduct? She is a billionaire after all and an easy target to people wanting insane payoffs. Never have I felt this scared about a person. Should I call the police, her family or Helena?

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