Endless pain? Chapter 20

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-Isabella's POV:-

Feeling small rain drops on my face; I jolt up, realising three things.

One; I'm still at the graveyard.

Two; Its dark.

Three; It's starting to rain.

Looking down at mamas grave, I kiss her gravestone before rising and whispering "I love you mama" before turning around and taking small and cautious steps towards my car.

I have no idea what the time was due to my phone being in my car, but I know it's late.

Really late.

My dada must be really worried right now, and I can't believe I allowed myself to fall asleep.

Whilst walking, the rain begins to increase, causing me to become more soaked and cold.

Reaching my car, I open the door and take a seat, starting the car and putting the heat on.

My body cold and shivering, whilst the rain begins to pour down more.

Hitting the window with small raindrops.

Small yet powerful.

No doubt it's going to leave me with a cold.

Checking the time I see its 8:37pm.


My dada must be really panicking.

Picking my phone up I notice miss calls and messages from both my dada and Adam.


The events that happened today, hit me once again and I suck in a breath so I wouldn't cry.

Deciding to call my father back, I slip on my belt.


"Isi! Are you okay?! Where are you?! Tell me what's wrong?! Why are you quiet?! Where were you?! I'm so worried! Answer me now?!" My dadas voice was both panicky and worried and I realised what my carelessness has done.

"I'm sorry. I was at mama's grave since after school. I'm sorry, I fell asleep and didn't even realise the time. I'm on my way back now" I rushed. Hoping to calm him down.

"You could have at least told me Isi! Do you realise how worried I was? Look, just come home and we will talk. Drive safe!" My father responded with a deep sigh.

"Okay. I'm coming dada".

Cutting the call off, I take a deep breath and wipe my hands over my face.

Sitting proper, I start driving back home to face the consequences of my actions.

Thoughts of everything consuming my already pained-filled mind.

If only life was easy.

Sighing, I drove quietly home, and soon enough I was parked outside my house.

The lights in the living room were on and I could see the shadow of my father pacing the living room.

Turning the car off, I get out and lock the doors, making my way to my awaiting father.

Before I could even knock the door, the door was pulled open and I was suddenly wrapped in a pair of two strong arms.

"I was so worried baby" my father's worried voice spoke, yet relief was clear as he spoke.

"I'm sorry dada; I just lost track of time" I respond guilty.

As he led us in, my father shut the door and let out a deep sigh.

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