ابدأ من البداية

His left hand resting on the wall.. catching his breath..

And ..

Something that broke me inside ..


Blood that dripping from her right hand..

Is he doing that again?

I swallow down my saliva as i try to let his name slipped out from this mouth..


I stopped from calling his name when i saw..

Someone touch his shoulder.

Its Nancy..

I quickly hid behind the wall..

Watching the two figures from far..

He turned around meet with her gaze..

A split second she wrapped her arm Around his waist and put her head on his chest..

I wish i reconsider my decision just now..


Seeing this scene make me hurt some more..

I turned around..

Press my back on the wall..Leaning on the wall..
Cupped my mouth as i let myself let it out the sobs..


My energy drained..

But i managed to go to school today..

At least i could see her..

Everyone gave compliment for my self composed song.
I feel honored.

I never write song before..

But seems like Jennie Kim being a good dedication for me to write it..

I looked an empty seat beside me..

I didnt see her bag or any stuff at all..

Is she alright?

I cant stand still..

I get up from my seat.. earning looked from the others.. but i just shrugged it out..

I just follow what my feet leads me...


It stopped when i heard sobbing..

I realized i was at the garden..when i heard that..

I walked slowly .. getting near where the sounds come from..

[COMPLETED] Black | Jennie Kim X Male Reader--Blackpink fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن