Jaspers diary: Edward's point of View

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Dear Diary........Umm Diary thing I guess. Journal works to.

Jasper is just moping around the house. He is very depressed I

have read the last.........entry Jasper wrote and I am going to write

one since Jasper doesn't feel like writing but wants someone to. He

gave me permission. I think I should add that this is Edward Cullen.

Not that your real.

Jasper ran and only I knew why. He wanted to be alone. He wanted to mope.

I stopped everyone from following him. Just like I had for many people.

Jasper was upset an I thought he deserved to be alone of awhile. But I

would stay close enough to read his thoughts. Carlisle thought it would

be dangerous for him to be alone. I went and this is what I herd him


Should I follow her? No I could get killed. But I wouldn't mind dieing

if I got to see her now. Without that black coat on. I wonder what her

plan is. Can Edward hear me? EDWARD CAN YOU HEAR ME??

He had many questions in his mind. Since he was a vampire he could

think of many things at once. I decided to talk to him since he was

* asking* me questions. I walked over at human speed to see if he would

run. He just stayed there.

" Yes I can hear you sorry. I thought you would want to be alone

so I stopped everyone from chasing you but Carlisle was worried." He nodded.

He didn't feel like talking so he thought ( Do you think Alice will come

soon Edward? What would you do if it was Bella leaving and she told you

what she told me?" I felt pain from thinking of it and winced. He noticed

and thought hmmmm. Then I said.

" I don't know what I would do Jasper. I don't think I can tell you

what to do. I think you should wait for her and trust that she loves you enough

to complete whatever plan it is that she has. I am still wondering

how she kept her plan from Aro and myself." I thought about it and couldn't

come up with anything. I was happy to hear about Nessie's new power


" I don't know what to do anymore. I want Alice back. I never

wanted to see her leave with the Volturi." I was so sad for Jasper.

My brother, my family has lost his true mate. But I was very certain Alice

would come back. I tried to comfort him for a little while. We made small

talk. I kept telling him Alice would come back.

Later that day someone named Kwendal ( K-when-dal) came to our

house and asked for Alice. Here's how it had gone.

" Hello is Alice still here or has she left yet?!" The vampire girl

shared the same diet as us. I wasn't sure if Alice knew this vampire but no one

not even Jasper knew her.

" How do you know Alice?" I read her mind. She was thinking of Aro

taking her away. Then she remembered Jane and Alex hurting her. I winced and was

glad Jasper couldn't read her mind. Jasper came behind. He had just gone hunting

with Emmett. Emmett burst-ed out of the trees.Jasper growled and said,

" WHO ARE YOU!!! What do you know about Alice!" She put her hands up

and said

" I don't really know Alice!! It's just I used to know her, when she

was human. She won't remember me now though. James the one who almost got her got me

he was attacked and had to run so I turned into a vampire. I have a power. I can see

the future! Please don't hurt me! Alice was my best friend Jasper. I have looked far

and wide to find her." She Gasped and looked at Jasper with a sleepy face. It was similar

to Alice's when she had a vision but then she crouched down and growled. With her it was as

if she was in the room, she was different from Alice because she interacted with the vampires

or humans without thinking about it. It was as if she was transported to whatever or wherever she

was seeing. She was seeing Alice getting...............killed.

Sorry, Until next time,

Edward Cullen

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