Question 20~Feather~Youtubers

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I never answered this and will do so now :)

Admin: featherfrost_

Asker: Golden_Swords

Question: Who is your all-time favorite YouTuber? Well, if you watch YouTube (It can be multiple).

Hmm... hard to say. I watch quite a lot of YouTube and am very torn between quite a few of them.

I can definitely confirm that I'm a big fan of jacksfilms. His videos are pretty humorous and always manage to make me laugh. 

Another YouTuber I like is Shane Dawson. Pretty basic, I know, but his conspiracy theory videos make me question literally everything, and I love it. Last April, Moon and I were 100% convinced that aliens were going to come to Earth and destroy the planet or something. 

I should also mention PetPyves. Although she's probably not my all-time favorite, her animatic series Twelve has brought me to tears on multiple occasions, and I've already fallen in love with her new series, Origins.

Those are all the YouTubers that I can think of right now. I'm definitely missing a bunch, but to give you a general idea, any channels including theories or comedy are right up my alley. Thanks for asking the question! Feel free to ask me or the other admins (I just updated the admin list to include our noobs: Koi, Solstice, and Saturn) at any time. Have a great day/night!

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