Unwanted Attention

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"This. Is. AWESOME!" A clearly drunk guy screamed from on top of a table. Chugged, gulped and wiped his mouth clean as he jumped off and dissapeared into the crowd.

"Well I guess things are going great for that guy" I chuckled and walked in with the most banging girls in all of history!

"Man ,this place looks lit!" Michelle exclaimed as we took in all off the room's enchantment. Or whats smells of it.

The room was a bit dim ,a blue-ish eery glow . Stringers around and little flashing lights surrounded the ceiling. The tables were occupied with empty bottles , tipped off cups and drunk couples making out.

"Yea, it sure is. Hey, um Brad can you be the designated driver today?" Maddie looked at Mish and giggled and then at me with a cheeky smile, "Its an us thing y'know"

"Sure but dont drink too much"

They nodded and we walked into the living room. A lot of people in this room where in couches and chairs sitting down either talking or making out. I think I saw a girl grinding on a guy there.

"There,lets take a seat." I said pointing to the empty sofa that a few people just stood up from.

"Ill get the drinks" Madeline said as she left before she got any response. We slipped into the chair and waited.

"So... " I started with Michelle, tapping my foot to the ground slowly. Something i am used to do when i am bored or in an awkward situation. "When is she coming back with the drinks."

"Soon enough."

"Hows things with your babe?" Maybe if i seem mildly interested in her life it would increase our friendship.

"Hailey is great, We just dont talk much like we used to." Mish fiddled with her fingers and sighs. She shrugged and said, "Well, its just that.. she says she is busy with school and everything and because of that we can't go out much."

"That sucks." I give her my sympathy in the most comforting two words i could think off.

"It sure does. And what even bothers me is that she doesnt want people to know that she is bi-"

"So everyone thinks she's still straight?"


"Well then. But atleast shes dating you and not some douche ."

"Like you?" She laughs a bit and a little spark shines in her eyes at her joke. I couldnt let that die so i accepted it.

"Yes a douche like me ofcourse."

She laughed hysterically as if thats the best joke she had ever heard in her entire life!. She slightly punched me and said ,"A white comedian you are."

Cooled down , she went into a state of silence. And then almost as if i could see the lightbulb shining above her head she smiled so widely and almost shoutted it ," Why don't I pay Hailey a visit? I mean think about it,what good girlfriend wouldnt?"

"Hush! Not so loud but yea thats a great idea! You should."

"I should, shouldnt I?"

"Thats what im saying!" And we both high fived each other.

"What about you tea time ,wheres your girl,boy or shemale?"

"Uhm.." I scratched my wig slightly. Being a popstar had been so hectic that ive never 'crushed' or 'dated' anybody on the matter. And now that Mish is asking me this question it really got me thinking. Being surrounded by millions of girls but not being surrounded by that certain girl.

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