Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On

Start from the beginning

The boys didn't need any convincing—it was bloody cold outside! Apparently they'd been out there for hours playing away, hurriedly trying to make enough money for the train ride home. Alcohol, however, proved more of a necessity it seemed then a train ticket back. Ralph insisted on paying for yours and Freddie's drinks, maybe a sort of apology. Being nearly entirely broke yourselves, you and Freddie didn't seem to mind too much.

You settled into the back corner of a small pub in the station. Ralph went up to the bar with his hat filled with today's earnings and bought a round of drinks for everyone. Whiskies for the four of you and a gin and tonic for Freddie.

"Thought you were in London man," starts Ralph as he comes back to the table, "What are you doing up here?"

"Just came back from a gig at St. Helens Technical," answered Freddie, "Oh and stopped by Geoff Higgins' place on Penny Lane for a few things".

"Yeah, he and Roger have been stocking up on anything they can for that stall of theirs," you added, leaning on Freddie a bit. He felt toasty on this chilly morning.

"I've been down there," replied Al, taking a swig of his whisky and leaning back in his chair, "But you never seem to be around"

"Oh you know, things to do, audiences to entertain," Freddie said, brushing it off like it was a compliment. Al laughed, "So what about you guys?"

"We're testing the waters, getting ready to move on from the blues," replied Ralph, swirling his glass, "It's all changing. Blues is finished up here".

"Yeah," started in Al, "You've always got to be one step ahead if you're gonna make it in the music business. We're writing our own stuff too," Freddie listened along intently, "Sort of progressive folk things. Neil Young, James Taylor. We intend to make it big".

Freddie looks rather surprised but definitely was keen. You can see the sparkle shine brighter in his eye whenever he gets into conversations about music, "I've heard of them. Haven't we got a Neil Young album hanging around the flat y/n?"

"Somewhere I thought I saw one—'Everybody'-something, I think it's Tupp's" you replied.

"That's the one, thank you dear," answered Freddie with a smile, "So what are your songs about then," Freddie asked, using his tonic to point back to their conversation and taking a swig.

Al and Phil look at each other a moment and Ralph then chipped in, "They're about home. You know, the need to go back and re-engage with your roots and realize what part of the place has played in the development of your character and your life".

You took intrigue on this bit. Part of you thought to yourself, what in your roots made you such an ass Ralph, but you knew you were on the way to forgiving him and not back sliding. This also made you think a bit about your roots. You sort of slipped into a daydream a moment while the conversation continued.

"Hey Fred, We looked Zanzibar up on a map back in the college. Cool place," said Al as you fell back into attention, "You must miss it at times".

"I've got lots of happy memories there," said Freddie, his eyes light up the gloom of the station bar room. He'd been talking about Zanzibar a lot lately it seemed, "Different place to London. Love to go back sometime. Maybe when I'm famous," he laughed at the idea of it, him famous.

"Do you miss America, y/n?" asked Phil, taking you a little by surprise but you were already on the subject in your head.

"Yeah I miss it sometimes," you replied, Freddie's attention turned to your emotion for a minute. You sat there thinking about it and then spoke, "The air, the way sunshine seemed to almost have a smell on cold mornings. I miss the bright green hills of grass in the spring and the way they turned a near-amber in the summertime. And my family too," you stopped. Freddie gripped your hand and gently rubbed his thumb on your palm to comfort you. You shook your head, "But I'm very happy to be here, with Freddie, and with London. Like Freddie said, different place, London. The music alone—my god".

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