"Well... Some stuff happened the day after that party, and... Sera said she'd text me, and... Hasn't yet, I was worried." Zoie replied

"What do you mean 'some stuff happened?'"

"Well... We took you home, and then my parents called me and said that they were home, and that they had something for me, so I convinced Sera to come with me, and then my parents kinda insisted that she stay the night, so she showered there-"

"Woah, woah, did you see her tits? They're huge." Tracey said

"I knowwwwww."

"Seriously though, like, when she wears a bra-"

"She never does." Misty said

"That's true, she almost never does, but when she does she wears a 36D. Her boobs are huuuuuugee." Tracey replied

"Yeah, but anyway. She showered there, and then I went to take a shower, but I had to get out of the shower, and she saw the scars on my thigh, and she asked why, and I had a panic attack, and we fell asleep, but I woke up, and then she woke up late, and then rushed out of the house, but the point is that before she left, I kissed her, and she promised that she'd text me, but she hasn't yet."

"Wait... What did you just say?"


"You kissed her?!"

"Yes. Is that okay? Is that bad? Did... Did I do something wrong?"

"Did she immediately push you away?"

"N... No."

"Wow... She must really like you..."

"She was crushing pretty hard, Trace." Misty said, stroking Tracey's leg.

"Yeah, that's true, but you know how she is."

"Yeah, but this is serious, she didn't push away."

"But it couldn't ever happen."

"What are you two talking about?" Zoie asked, brushing her hair behind her ear.

"Well... Zo'... Have you been to her house?" Tracey asked


"You never will." Misty said, shaking her head

"Why not?"

Tracey just looked around sadly and held Misty's hand.

Misty shrugged before saying "neither of us know, but she hates it there, hell she hates Carron. She'd do anything to get out of this place."

"But... Why?" Zoie asked

"Well... We don't know for sure, but... I'm starting to think... It has a lot to do with her family. Her dad was actually just arrested a little while ago. Domestic abuse, he's in jail, they can't afford a lawyer, not that there'd be much use having one, and... Well, The Carr family goes back a long way. They founded Carron, but... It used to be a lot bigger. The people here say that Sera's great, great, grandfather sold out to the Yankees, the People around here hate that name, that's why she only introduces herself as Sera normally."

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