Chapter 6

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WHATttt? 20 views in a day? Thanks so much :) This'll be a boring chapter, but I recommend you reading it since you'll know what's going on. Next chapter is.. you'll find out :)

Third Person POV

Ash's escape caused the hospital to have a lockdown. Now Ibe and Max knows he's obviously not dead.

"We have to find Ash, but we have to find Eiji too." Ibe said. "The nearest place they could be in is Chinatown." Max replies. They went in the taxi, the drive wasn't that long.

Eiji POV

   "AHHHH." I breathe heavily. "Had a bad dream?" I heard someone said. "Sing?! Why are you here-"
"Careful. Your head still hurts."
"Aren't you working with Yut Lung now?"
"I escaped from him"
"Why did you help me?"
"Just for one single question. Why did Ash kill Shorter? It's not possible that he did since they're best friends, unless he betrayed him." He's looking at me all serious. "Umm, well he had no intention of killing him. He.. had to."
"Then why did he?"
"He.... Had to, he was forced. It was, my fault he died, really." I looked down. "Your.. fault? Fine, I believe you then."

   "....Ash, we need to look for Ash." I said. "He's dead. Did you not know?" Sing becomes confused.
"He can't be dead. It's Ash, he can never die." I have this feeling, this feeling that Ash is alive, I'm positive. "Well, if you really wanna look for him, I can help you I guess. I have nothing to do anyway."

    We started walking at the time I felt better. I see a few police cars come by. We just keep walking. "Hey. By any chance, have you seen, or do you know this person? His name is Ash Lynx." a cop said. I gasped. "You know him don't you?." The police already knows, looking at my face it's obvious. "No way. I've seen this face." Sing said. Lifesaver. "I've seen him when he killed somebody around here. But sorry, don't exactly know where he is." I said. "Thanks for the information." The cop left. "See? The perks of being Asian is being thought innocent." Sing smirked. "I knew it, he's alive." I smiled.

All I was thinking about is Ash. Ash... where are you.

Gift? (Eiji x Ash Banana Fish)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora