North School -6-

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 "And so me and Adara decided that we'd take the Lambo for a spin. But we didn't tell anyone." Thalia concluded her little sotry and everyone burst into laughter.

 Zeke guffawed "Th-that's why you almost went to jail? They thought you had stolen the car?"

 And once again, everyone burst into a fit of uncontrolable giggles. It probably had to do with the alcohol intake (Zeke wanted a mojito). It was only around nine and we were already slightly tipsy, sharing stories laughing ike crazy and having seconds and thirds of the cheesecake.

 "It's not that funny," I glowered at them as I tried not to giggle. "Thalia said she already told the dealer!"

 "I lied!" she cried and we roared in laughter.

 Knock, knock, knock!

 "I'll get it," I offered seeing I was the most sober.

 Everything's going really smoothly, I kinda love it here and yet it's only been a day. Elaine's such a sweetheart, Lucas isn't a bad guy (still gotta do that background check, though), Zeke is absolutely hilarious, and Blake's here. Another perk of North is that the guys are just... asdfghjkl sexy. Like really, sweet-baby-Jesus-asdfghjkl-sexy. God, I love this place.

 Do I smell musk? Hot damn, that is musk. Vampire.. one that just fed. That bitch must've fed on some grizzly bear because that is some strong musk up here, I thougt as I oepened the door.

 "Actually, it was just a couple of blood bags. Not a grizzly bear. Though I am in the mood for some fresh and living." the red-eyed hottie flashed me his canines.

 "Whoop de doo. Looks like we've got an Edward Cullen with us." I I rolled my eyes, walking back to the kitchen.

 "Watch it, I'm still hungry. I could easily snap your neck, witch." he winked at me.

 "Really? Because I don't think I'd let you."

 "You think you can take me on, pretty girl." he eyed me up and down.

 "Oh, I dont think. I know." I whispered in his ear.

"You can't be s- Oh, fuck! What the.. Ohhh, God, that was painful!" He cried out mid-sentence.

"Yes, I can be so sure." I smiled sweetly at the vamp before skipping away.

Oh yeah, I still got it. Good ol' mental slaps.

I was met by some curious and amused looks back at the kitchen.

"Did you use a mental slap or something?" Thalia asked me, narrowing her eyes.

"...I might have." I confessed sheepishly.

"Dara! Those are painful, and very rude!" she scolded.

"I'll go help the poor guy," Blake sent me a knowing look as he got up.

"What's a mental slap?" Zeke asked curiously.

"It's like a slap but it hits you on every sense possible, sort of a sensory overload. So basically it's a slap times a thousand. Hurts real bad." Lucas explained.

"I can do a mental punch, too! Wanna try?" I asked Zeke cheerily.

Zeke scooted his chair as far away from the table as possible, "Stay away!" he stage whispered.

We all laughed until the vamp entered the kitchen.

"Sam! What up, bro?...Oh, I'm just going to stay away from you until your eyes chill. It's cool." Lucas stated casually as he noticed the red eyes.

Oh my God, Lucas, you're so smooth. Way to go. Idiot.

Sam just nodded at him before continuing to stare at me.

"Well, its getting late. I'm heading back to my room." Elaine yawned, stretching her wings as she got up "Lucas, you coming?" she asked.

"Actually.." the wolf looked at Thalia then back at us, "you know how this floor has that room for two.."

"Well, we were thinking.. And maybe me and Luke could get that room.." Thalia questioned more than stated.

Unbelievable. Un-freaking-believable.

"Come on, Adara. Please! And plus you know there isn't enough closet room for the both of us! We won't be able to fit everything!" she added in a rush.

Ughs, she had a point. But still. A good point. But still.

"And besides, we might get a little.. noisy." she giggled, winking at me.

"Aaaaaanndd, o-kay! You two get that bedroom! I'm done listening to my cousin implying that she will get busy with her mate." I awkwardly walked out of the kitchen.

Knock, knock. Knock, knock.

"Just a second!" I called out to whoever was at the door.

Knonck, knock, knock.

Geez, this dude's in a rush.

Knock, kno-

"Man, you need to calm the fu..." my voice died in my throat as I caught sight of the violet eyes, chiselled jaw, and scarred eyebrow.

"Uhh... hi," I waved like an idiot.

The hottie waved back "Hello,"

The North School for the Supernatural (MAJOR EDITING) [previously SARW5SNH!]Where stories live. Discover now