What Did You Expect?

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I step into the house, exhausted as ever. I even interrupt my parents' movie, but I'm too tired to care. As soon as I set my bags down, I trudge into the kitchen to raid the fridge.

        "Brandon? How did the game go?" my mom asks. Ha. Football. What a joke.

        "We won," I reply.

        "...That's great sweetheart. We made pasta if you want any." I mumble something incoherently --I can't even understand it-- as I trudge to my room. Why can't I just be happy.

         Satan-Roger's eyes reflect the dim light in my room. Other people talk to their pets; I can, too. "Satan, I need advice." He just lays there. "I need to tell my mom--" Before I finish my sentence, my phone blasts the awful default metal ringtone I've been meaning to change for months. "Hello?"

        "Did you lose?" Christina asks excitedly.

         "Nope. We're still in," I sigh.

          "I'm sorry. Should've tried less. Whatcha doing?" she asks.

         "Talking to Satan," I shrug. "I'm just really tired, to be honest." And I want to speak to Logan, not you.

        "Me, too. But... do you think you can come over? We can, ya know. Be tired together?" she asks softly. I hear the bright grin in her voice.

        "Is this a booty call?" I can't help it. What I should tell her is 'we're not dating or even fake dating, so back off'. In a nicer way, of course.

        "...Yes? Brandon I can't believe you," she chuckles. "You really should come over, though. My mom and dad are visiting a friend. And... well I remember you said I look good in blue." Everyone looks good in blue to me. It's my favorite color. Geezus.

        "Ah, Chris. It's like, 11:20. As much as I'd love to..." I trail off, hoping she won't make me finish the statement. "How about we go to the bowling alley tomorrow? I'll invite a few people." She says nothing. "Hey, I'll invite some cool girls you can talk to. It'll be fun, I swear."

        "I'm getting the impression you just don't want to see me alone. Which is okay... I'm just wondering."

        "Wondering what?" I snap. Her end is silent. "Is this a freaking test? To see if I'm gay? You actually believe that shit. Wow." I flip on my light switch to look for something to hit, or throw.

        "Brandon! Why would I ever do that to you? That's ridi--" I hang up. Everyone is against me right now except Logan. It's like he's the only one who has been on my side since he's met me.

        I consider falling asleep right now, but my brain won't let me dream if I don't shower. Maybe it's my gay side.

* * * * *

       "So it's true, then," Matt says to me at lunch. What? What's he talking about?

      "Of course it's true," Mitchell grins. "Freshman told me all about their little 'date'. You are a disgusting fag, Gay Boy. Sleeping with a freshman. Disgusting!"

        "Conner told you?"

        "He told me," Matt says softly. "I'm so sorry, Brandon--"

         "The whole school knows you're a pedophile, Gay Boy. Disgusting. Freshman is half your fuckin' size." I'm in the middle of a circle of high schoolers. They all whisper and point at me in the center of the lunch room. Even the teachers at their table look at me and grimace. Why today?

Brandon. Yes, THAT Brandon.Where stories live. Discover now