Chapter 10

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"Please, you can have me, but let Cameron go," Elisabeth said.

"Why would I do that?" The man asked. Still dragging the knife over Elisabeth's leg.

"It's me you want, please, Jax, just let him go!" Elisabeth said.

"No!" Jax yelled.

He pressed down on the knife, he cut into Elisabeth's skin. I held my breath and felt my heart beat faster. He left a small cut on Elisabeth's leg but it healed immediately. Jax looked at it funnily. He harshly grabbed her arm and tried to cut her hand, but again the cut just healed once the knife left the skin. He swore under his breath and tried to create a big cut along her arm, but it healed from one end of the cut to the other, as if closing by a zipper.

"Just let us go," Elisabeth said.

"No!" Jax yelled turning away from her.

Elisabeth took this opportunity to turn invisible. The next thing I saw was Jax throwing his hands in the air like a lunatic. But from what I could see however he was trying to hit Elisabeth. He was getting hit In multiple places before he stopped punching the air. A thump was heard and Elisabeth reappeared on the ground.

"Elisabeth!" I yelled, struggling in the ropes tying me to the chair. Jax tied Elisabeth back up on the chair she was sitting in before. Jax then walked over to me.

"If I can't hurt her, I can hurt you," he said staring at me.

"Please, why are you doing this?" I said with a shaky voice.

"Because, In our world Llurdae are only supposed to have one power each. Whereas Elisabeth's family has multiple powers each. That's just not normal," he said.

"But why do this?"

"Because they are a threat to us."

"A threat? How?" I asked.

"Enough questions!" He yelled. I instantly closed my mouth and bit on my lip. "Now, since I can't physically hurt her," he looked at Elisabeth then back at me. "Maybe I can hurt her another way."

He dragged the cold steel against the upper part of my arm I but my lower lip. I felt him press harder with the knife but not hard enough to cut yet. I felt my body go tense. I felt him push the tip of the knife into my skin. He then dragged the knife down my arm, leaving a big cut down the side of my arm. I felt blood trickling down my arm. I closed my eyes tightly due to the pain and clenched my fists. Jax walked behind me and chuckled before poking the blade into my skin next to my shoulder blade. Once again he left a cut on my back. Tears formed in my eyes as I let out a yell of pain.

"Stop!" I cried.

"But I'm having fun," Jax said cutting the upper half of my leg. I cried out in pain again. "Quiet!" He shouted, swiping the knife over my face leaving a small cut there. Jax moved the knife to the bottom half of my leg and leaves a cut there too. I let my head hang low, he continues to leave big and small cuts all over my body. My vision starts going blurry and I can't focus on anything in the room, my vision goes completely black.

Elisabeth's POV
I slowly open my eyes, a throbbing pain in my head. I look around despite the pain. I turn my head and see Cameron covered in cuts and blood. I stay quiet and go invisible then break out of the ropes again, I silently walk over to Jax. I quickly snatch the knife out of his hand and stab him right in the chest with it.

"Never! Hurt the ones I love" I say pulling the knife back out and become visible again. He stared at her with lifeless eyes as he fell to the floor. I went over to Cameron I used the knife to cut the ropes binding Cameron's hands. I picked him up, kicked down the door so we could get out and I took him to the hospital.

What do you guys think of this book? It's almost over

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