Bilbo shook his head. "No, that's not it."


Gandalf sighed in relief. "What did I tell you? Quiet as a mouse. Excellent burglar material."

The Dwarves started to chatter in agreement and praise. Bilbo tried to quiet them down, but it didn't work. He looked to Anne for help.

"Shut it!" she snapped loudly, and everyone clamped their mouths shut. "There is something else out there." Anne looked worriedly to Gandalf.

"What form did it take?" he asked. "Like a bear?"

She nodded and went to stand by him in thought. Bilbo blinked and stared at the two of them in shock. Thorin and Dwalin exchanged looks, then glanced at Anne. She shook her head and waved them off.

"You knew about this beast?" exclaimed Bofur in shock. His answer was Gandalf turning away to think with Anne. "I say we double back."

"And be run down by a pack of Orcs?" Thorin interjected, earning a murmur of agreement from the others.

Anne looked up to Gandalf. He raised his brow in question.

"It's our only option."

Gandalf nodded. "There is a house," he said, turning to face the Dwarves. "It's not too far from here, where we might take refuge."

"Whose house?" Thorin questioned, unconvinced. "Are they friend or foe?"

"Neither," the Wizard answered. "He will help us or he will kill us."

"What choice do we have?"

The creature roared, and everyone jumped. "None."

They all started running, passing a valley with a clear blue stream and many flowers. Anne ran behind a few Dwarves, keeping an eye on everyone behind her. The pack wasn't too far behind, and it was a little scary. They all ran inside a forest, clambering over the mossy hill. She could hear the crunch of leaves as the Wargs neared, and Azog yelling in Black Speech. The roar of the creature made everyone freeze and look around. Thorin stopped next to Anne, and they shared a look.

"This way! Quickly!" Gandalf yelled.

That jolted everyone awake, and they all started running again. The Elf and the Dwarf stayed in the back, pulling a petrified Bombur by the beard to get him to run. They jumped over a small hill and exited the forest, nearing the house. It was in this moment that Bombur started sprinting and passing all of them, surprising them all to say the least. But when he passed the gate to go inside the house, he ran and smacked face first into the door, flopping backwards. Kili and Fili along with the others pounded at it. Gandalf and Anne stayed at the gate, waiting. When the bear emerged from the trees, Gandalf stepped back. Anne attached an arrow to her bow and raised it.

"Stop," she pleaded to herself. "Stop running. Stop running. Don't make me shoot."

But the bear didn't stop running, and Anne was forced to let go. The arrow made its mark and dug inside the shoulder of the creature, causing it to roar loudly. Bilbo jumped and the Hobbit and Wizard pulled her along, she of which was frozen and staring at the beast.

"Open the door!" Gandalf yelled.

The Dwarves were still having a hard time, and Anne groaned. Pushing everyone out of the way, she pushed the latch up from the lock and kicked the door open.

"Get in!"

The Dwarves started clamoring and hurried inside. Right when they were about to close the door, the head of the beast was able to peek through the crack, threatening to break in. Everyone started yelling and pushing the door, trying to close it. Bilbo drew his tiny sword, blinking repeatedly. Finally, they--well, mainly Dwalin--were able to close the door and latch it.

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