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The Announcement

"You are going to marry mommy now???" Rintarou asked overly excited about our announcement.

My brother, the Iwaizumis and Hinata were shocked after we told them.


"Nice ring you got there Maecchan. When did you buy it?" Tooru asked me as he looked at my shining engagement ring on my left ring finger.

I blushed and hugged Nishinoya's arm.

He held his up and I mimicked his action hiding my face behind his shoulder.

"They are a pair." Yuu said the people infront of us widened their eyes and were speechless.

End of Flashback

"That's what she agreed to!" He said happily and I smiled.

"Conguwatulations M-Mwae..!" Hinata held my hand and cried. My brother followed him and did the same.

"My imotou~!"

I sweatdropped and patted their shoulders trying to make them stop crying.

"Congratulations you two." Hajime said and shook Noya's hand.

"I now have a daddy and mommy...." my son began crying and I bent over as best as I could to comfort him.


I went to touch his head but he ran over to Nishinoya who was standing behind me and he jumped on him. Embracing him in a tight hug he said
"Daddy. I love you so much. Please never leave me and mommy again."

My heart ached and warmed up at the same time.

"Oh, Rin. I will never." Noya said and pulled me into the hug too.


(A lil sketch of the Nishinoya Family on the wedding by me)*-*-*-*-*-*

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(A lil sketch of the Nishinoya Family on the wedding by me)

"Wow. Moving into my wife's house wasn't how I imagined me beeing a husband." Yuu said putting the last box into our, what was previously my, bedroom.

We now had a kingsized bed standing there and a new closet.

"How did you imagine it then?" I asked helping him unpack his things.

"Well. I thought that I will be the one to finance my family."

"Yuu, we talked about it. We cannot move into your appartment. It's too small. And besides I already bought this so we don't have to pay for rent. It doesn't even matter if I earn more than you. You will earn more when you become more famous anyways. Besides I don't need your money to be with you." I said taking out his clothes and sorting them into the closet.

"But still. I am the man. I will show you in other ways that I can care for you!" He said enthusiastically. And I nodded at his cuteness and caring side for me.

"Rin-chan is at a training camp so he won't be here for the weekend." I explained as I walked over to open the window. It was getting warmer so I wanted to let fresh air in.

"I see. So we are all by ourselves now." Yuu said in a seducing voice and gently pulled me closer to him that our bodies were now touching.

He put his forehead on mine and I could feel his hot breath against my lips.

"Oh, are we getting excited Mr. Nishinoya?"

"How can I not with you only wearing a tank top and shorts, Mrs. Nishinoya." He said, his lips now on my neck.

I pushed him back and burst out laughing.

"BAHAHHAHA. NOT THERE YUU!" I said accidentally knocking a box over.

"Oh, I didn't know you were tickelisch. Haha, cute." He said picking up the box and putting it on the bed.

I collected the items that have fallen down and saw the black orange fabric I already saw once. The first time I was in his apartment.

I held it up while Yuu was picking up the other things that were still laying on the floor.

"Karasuno. 13#"

Karasuno? What?! No way..!

"It's my high school jersey! Awee. Yuu why do you have my old jersey?" I teased him and he hurriedly tried to get it back from me without success.

"No Mae. Give it back!" He said but I just trew it onto the bed and pinched both of his cheeks.

"You are just too cute Yuu~! You are a full grown 23 year old man! Why are you so cuute!" I said and he just blushed while crossing his arms.

"I'm not cute. I am manly."

"How? Do you still cross the street without looking left and right?"(reference to Book 1)
I teased and he just sighed.

"You haven't forgotten about that? Oh, right.. what do you not forget?" He chickled.

"No worries. I will show you something so you don't have to be ashamed." I said and went over to my closet and put on a jacket.

" I said and went over to my closet and put on a jacket

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"I stole your jacket on our last day of school. The day we were in the locker room and where I rejected you. If you haven't noticed I wasn't cleaning out my locker. Hehe. I was putting your jacket in my bag not mine." I confessed and striked a pose trying not to get him angry.

He just looked dumbfounded.

"How can I get mad at you for stealing my jacket when I have no problem with you stealing my heart?" He said and swiftly made a motion and now we were in a dipping position(like dance dip u get me). He pecked my lips and un-dipped me again.

"You smoothtalker. Ah gosh how do I love you." I said and we continued to unpack.

That will be a fun journey, living with the two most energeric males I know. How do I love them ^_^

Hatsukoi From the Beginning (Nishinoya Yuu x OC) Haikyuu FanficWhere stories live. Discover now