The Morning After

Start from the beginning

"These are Autumn Roses," she says, eyeing the colourful flowers. "For you." Smiling, the girl holds the bouquet out towards me. 

"Me?" I ask, surprised. "From who?" She shrugs as I take the weight from her hands. Without saying another word, she turns around and bolts down the stairs. Now who's this secret admirer? Aiyappa, please don't let Manik find out, or else there will be bloodshed. Well, it doesn't matter who this is from. The bottom line is that these flowers are beautiful and they also possess an enchanting fragrance. There are red roses in here, yellow and some with an orangish tinge. My spirits suddenly uplifted, I hum as I continue on my way down the stairs.

As I turn the corner to head towards the music room, my eyes land on another child - who is carrying a bouquet - heading in my direction. Is that for me as well? I don't have to speculate over this for much longer, for a few seconds later, this boy stops in front of me; holding the bouquet out for me to take. 

"These are Honolulu Hues." He explains, his tongue twisting around the name of these flowers. "For you." Balancing the former bouquet in the crook of my right arm, I take this one from him, tucking it into my left arm. 

"Thank you," I say, as he runs past me. Wow, this admirer must really like me, considering he's spending this much money on buying me all these flowers. Now I'm truly interested in finding out as to who he is. Through some miracle, I manage to enter the music room without dropping either of the bouquets. However, the person waiting for me inside isn't Manik, but another child. The sight makes me laugh. This girl is holding yet another bouquet, her eyes flying across every corner in the room with boredom. The second I step in, she hurriedly makes her way towards me.

"These are for you," she says, holding the bouquet out towards me. "They're..." The girl trails off, probably thinking about the name of these flowers. "They're...Picasso Callas...something." She smiles at me apologetically. "I'm sorry, I forgot their full name. I could ask him again and tell you." 

"That's quite alright, darling." I say, grinning. "May I ask, though, as to who this mystery man is?" Her eyes widen as she shakes her head vigorously.

"I'm not supposed to say." She says, placing the bouquet near my feet and running out of the room. Okay then. I wonder when I will find out the identity of this mystery admirer? Sighing, I place the bouquets I've recently received with the one which is already on the floor. Before heading home, I can stop by this room and retrieve them. I turn around, a low squeal escaping my lips. 

Keith is standing in the doorway with a glass bowl of Water Lilies clutched in his hands. Out of all the children, this one seems the most enthusiastic about the task he has been given. 

"Sorry for scaring you," Keith says, his eyes shining with excitement. "Aarav said since you hate Alien Orchids, he's not going to rest until he finds a flower which you find appealing to your eyes." The child squeezes his eyes shut, thinking hard. "He also" 

"He also said that it will be quite hard to complete this challenge." Manik says, stepping into view behind Keith. "Because your beauty makes all the flowers in the world shy away in shame; their shine dimming in front of yours." Manik's hands are tucked behind his back as he takes his time in coming towards me. Keith looks back at the Devil questioningly. The latter nods his head, thereby making Keith place the bowl on the floor and scurry away. 

"Manik, you truly get carried away at times." I say, shaking my head in amazement at all the efforts he has put into this romantic gesture. "But thank you. These bouquets are beautiful and extremely thoughtful." God, why didn't I figure out that Manik was behind all this before? 

"So which kind is your new favourite?" Manik asks, raising his eyebrows questioningly. 

"I honestly appreciate all of these." I say, turning around to glance at the trio of bouquets on the floor. "However, you know that Alien Orchids are my favourite kind ever since you introduced them to me. What I said the other was all in anger." 

"I had a feeling," My husband smiles knowingly. "And that's why I've come prepared." Bringing his left arm to the front of his body, the Devil materialises a bouquet of Alien Orchids. "The best for the last." 

"I love you." I whisper, lifting myself on my tiptoes to leave a thank you kiss on Manik's lips. "And I love these." 

"You know what, Angel, this reminds me of last night." Manik says, his thumb gently pulling my lower lip downwards. "Although my lips weren't your target." 

A gasp escapes my lips, as I divert my gaze away from Manik's. Over the course of the day, I have begun to piece together last night's events and I can confidently say that they don't make me too proud about myself. In fact, I rather never speak about them again. However, Manik isn't making this easy for me. 

"Also, Angel, make sure you don't throw away last night's outfit." Manik says, his eyes dancing with mischief. "I didn't quite enjoy the performance, mainly because there were a hundred perverts present. And so I wish to get a private show sometime soon. You know, a husbands-only benefit." 

"Keep up with this teasing and you'll be enjoying the benefits of a bachelor's life in the near future," I threaten. My eyes land on the clock. Oh God, we're going to be late for part two of my forgiveness plan. 

"Manik, quickly go and meet Ma because then we need to go home. I have something planned." I say, turning my husband around and gently pushing him towards the door.

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