10. The Best Best-Man

Start from the beginning

"Hey, you're doing really well, don't worry ok?" Annie whispered through her smile, linking her arm through Luke's and noticing just how much he was hyperventilating. "Woaw, what's wrong?"

"I'm having a panic attack that's what's wrong." He spoke half sarcastically and half snappily, Annie didn't know if she needed to be offended or worried. She opted for worried and started to lead Luke to a quiet room, where there weren't so many people and chatter.

She found the churches supply cupboard and decided that will have to do, dragging Luke in before turning the light on and letting go of his arm.

"I haven't seen these people in over a year they'll probably want to talk to me and talk to you and ask questions that I can't answer and they'll apologise about my parents like it had anything to do with them when it didn't and I don't want them to tell me that they're glad I'm back or that I'm ok because I'm not, I'm not either of them, not yet-"

"Luke, listen to me," Annie placed her hands firmly on his cheeks, bringing his face down in front of her own and making sure he looked at her. "I am here and I am going to help you. These people are your friends and you love them, and if at any point you feel uncomfortable then you will squeeze my hand and I will think of a way to bring you out so we can calm down again, ok?" She planned, not really thinking it out but it didn't sound too bad of an idea.

"Yeah... Ok, yeah, ok." Luke nodded, gulping and making sure to stay still. If it was anyone else holding him like this then he would of stepped away already, but just being this close to Annie was amazing.

They held hands again as they made their way back into the reception area, searching for somewhere to sit. Annie was the one looking for a seat as Luke kept his eyes on the groom himself, with his groomsmen of Calum and Ashton. He hadn't felt so heartbroken in a long time as he did now, seeing all of his best friends together as one of them got married, and he wasn't even there to celebrate too.

Michaels head dipped down, sadly nodding to something Ashton said. Calum raised an eyebrow, smiling to himself before turning Michael around and pointing to Luke.

Michaels eyes widened, frozen in his spot before sprinting down the steps and encasing the boy in a huge hug. Luke hugged him back instantly, squeezing him tight and patting his back. Just as Michael pulled away Ashton jumped in, practically squashing Luke to a point where he let out a little yelp.

Annie smiled to herself, thankful that she could help Luke develop into his old self again.

"I am the best best-man." Calum stated, arms crossed as everybody stood together, Annie slightly behind them and letting them have their moment, not wanting to get in the way.

"Shut up Cal, you're not the best man anymore, Luke is." Michael shoved at Calum's chest playfully, before wrapping an arm around Luke, missing him more than anything.

At first everyone laughed, before Michael started to walk back to the alter with his arm still around Luke, talking to him about his utter happiness that Luke decided to come.

"Wait, are you serious?" Calum called out, running behind them and interrupting their conversation. Ashton waited a moment, smiling at the return of his best friend before following along behind them.

Annie stood in the middle of the isle, looking around for somewhere, anywhere to sit but she couldn't decide where. The people here looked very kind, but all the seats near them looked reserved.

She could hear Luke's laugh from here, his cackle was easy to hear from a mile away. She perched at the end of a middle isle, next to a middle aged woman who was having a conversation with her friend.

She turned back to Luke to see his eyes, teary and yet glimmering with happiness. She gave him a thumbs up, hoping everything was ok as he stood with his friends. He returned the gesture, smiling at her with something more than just friendship.


I saw 5sos on Friday omg!!! IT was so amazing I got a cute pic of cal but I mostly got videos🤷🏽‍♀️ and I might be swerving into Calum's lane ngl oops
I love love love Luke and Sierra though they are so cute oml <3

I saw 5sos on Friday omg!!! IT was so amazing I got a cute pic of cal but I mostly got videos🤷🏽‍♀️ and I might be swerving into Calum's lane ngl oopsI love love love Luke and Sierra though they are so cute oml <3

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lotta love
a x

thank you so much for reading!please vote and COMMENTlotta love a x

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