A Part Of Me Goes With You

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The paladins had been busy helping planets rebuild after Galra invasions and Shiro was adjusting to life as a member of the team without a lion.

Though there were no traces of Lotor anywhere, things had been running smoothly. Except for one thing.

Keith had been worrying the group.

Shortly after the loss of the comet, Keith began joining the Blade of Marmora on their missions.

Initially, it posed no problem to team Voltron.

However, Keith had started neglecting his duties as a paladin, leaving all the other members of team Voltron uneasy.

He always showed up late to missions, and he had left the team without being able to form Voltron several times.

Kanna was heartbroken over his recent absence. She felt like Keith was slipping through her fingers and there was nothing she could do to stop it.


The red paladin returned to the castle of lions after another mission with the blades.

When he entered the bridge, he saw Shiro standing by a projection while organizing a team plan to move war refugees.

"Keith." said Shiro. "Good, you're back. The team is on a mission. You need to get to your lion and join them immediately."

"I will." said Keith. "But I think we've just discovered a new form of quintessence. The readings are off the charts! Kolivan thinks it could be linked to Lotor."

Shiro continued focused on his plan as Keith spoke.

"Okay, we'll discuss it when you return." said Shiro. "The team is escorting refugees out of the Fimm System."

"This is Lotor I'm talking about!" insisted Keith. "He hasn't been seen in months! This might be our chance to track him down."

Shiro frowned.

"I said, we'll discuss it later." said the black paladin. "Right now, I need you to focus on the mission at hand."

"But - "

"This isn't a request, Keith. Get to the Fimm System. That's an order."


The lions were moving refugee pods in the Fimm System, when Keith finally showed up piloting the black lion.

"Well, look who decided to show up." growled Pidge. 

"Yeah, are you even taking this seriously?" asked Lance.

"Sorry I'm late." said Keith.

Once the lions landed the pods in a safe base, Keith approached Shiro to once again discuss the Blade of Marmora leads.

"Were you able to speak with Kolivan about the Intel?" asked Keith.

"I did, and we need to find out all we can about that quintessence" said Shiro. "But more importantly, Voltron needs a strong leader."

"I know they do, and it should be you!"

"Keith, we've discussed this before." said Shiro. "Besides, we both know that the Black Lion has chosen you."

"You only tried once." insisted Keith. "You had a connection with the Black Lion and I know it's still there! If you just give it another shot..."

"Keith, we all have a part to play. This is mine now. I've come to terms with that. Now, you need to."

Voltron: Keith x OC (White Lion) - Daughter of LightWhere stories live. Discover now