Spark-not so much of a spark- of rebellion pt. 3

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*For added feels (For me anyways cause I wrote a certain part while listening to this) Start listening to this song when you see the next bold* *Or whenever. You don't gotta listen to me* *Sorry*

"Latching to the airlock," Hera calls through the COM as the Ghost locks the escape pod to the airlock. Ezra feels the small escape pod shake as the air decompresses and the door opens. Ezra is met with an empty hallway.

"So much for a warm welcome..." He mumbles, walking towards the Ghost's common room. As he enters, he's met with an angry Sabine lecturing to an apologetic Zeb.

"You know I can't fix droids! And what was I supposed to do? Hand hold the rust bucket?" Sabine rolls her eyes, scoffing.

"Hera had told you to get to the Phantom!" She shoots back.

"I was asleep!" Yelling, the two hadn't noticed Ezra come in.

"You know if you do this..." Ezra speaks up, connecting two different wires and replacing a panel, Chopper turns on, scaring Sabine. He begins to speak droid quickly, sticking out his droid arm. Ezra laughs. "Hey, hey. It's okay Chopper. You're on the Ghost bud. You're good." As Chopper begins to chill out, both Hera and Kanan come into the common room. 

"Where'd you learn to do that? Thought you were a TIE pilot in the Empire?" Hera asks. Ezra knows that she means well, feeling the immense curiosity coming off her, but below that, it almost felt like a jab. Ezra thought he had gained her trust. Seems his little escape made the trust take two steps back. 

"Hera! You don't just ask someone that!" Sabine hisses, giving Hera a look. Ezra turns and looks at her, smiling.

"It's fine, Sabine. She's just curious." Sabine stares at him and scoffs, but doesn't say anything else. He turns back to Hera but stares at Chopper, the droid also 'talking' to her about asking someone that. They may take offense. "Yes, I was a pilot, but after I escaped the Empire, traveling planet to planet, I came across a moon where I learned from someone there that taught me how to fix droids and I worked with them until the Empire came to grow some crop used in their nutritional supplements. They came because they thought it was expendable." He spits the word out like it was poison, face angry. "As their nutrition grew, it took nutrients out of the soil. It began to become useless. The farmers couldn't grow anything. And, no surprise, the Empire did not provide any kind fertilizer to help us...them. Nothing to help them." Ezra growls. Kanan steps forward, trying to calm the boy down. 

"Ezra, it's alright. Just, take a deep breath." Kanan takes a deep breath and Ezra follows, his not so smooth and even like his. Taking a shaky breath and letting it out, clenching and unclenching his fists, he sits down, rubbing his head. 

"I'm sorry. It's just..." Ezra sighs. "Anyways, I found out where the wookiees are actually being held. If we change our course now, we can get to them in time." As the crew sits there in silence, Chopper pipes up with a,


"The spice mines of Kessel." And Zeb says what everybody is thinking.



"Go, go, go!" Kanan yells, steadying himself with the help of the Ghosts' walls as it moves side to side, shaking as it's shot with blasters. As Ezra, Zeb, and Sabine jump out of the Ghost, Kanan not too far behind, the four crouch down behind a wall of crates. TIEs go after the Ghost, so Hera has to turn away from the battle, not giving the rebels cover. Kanan quickly grabs his COM.


"I couldn't maintain position." Kanan clenches his jaw.

"Give yourself some maneuvering room. We still need to get to the wookiees." Kanan looks back above the crates and ducks before his head is shot off. 

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