Inside Jasper's Mind

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Inside Jasper's Mind

I JUST CAN'T UNDERSTAND HOW MOTHER CAN BE PREGNANT. I just can't wrap my head around it. I will have to help take care of mother because sir won't, once the baby is born and I will still have to help my sister with her studies. I need to study too. I want to be something more than a farmer. All sir wants me to be is a farmer and a solider. I agreed I will join the army when Elizabeth leaves, but he won't take it.


I don't want a girl's father and mother to pick me out to be her husband. I want a say, and I want the girl to have a say in whether she will marry me or not.I want to be in love, I don't want to be chosen. Also sir is never home all he does is hang out with his friends.

Its sunrise. I should get home before mother starts to worry.

Good bye, Jasper

Jasper's Journal Part 1Where stories live. Discover now