"She went to go stay with her girlfriend for the last week of the break. It's just me, my sister and my Mum tonight," Belle replied. Ron and Hermione went inside soon after, leaving Harry and Belle outside in the snow.

"Sorry I didn't end up replying, I figured I could probably just say what I needed to in person when you got here," Harry begun awkwardly and Belle smiled at him.

"That's alright - I hadn't expected you too, anyway. You're a terrible writer, you know that?" She asked. Harry laughed. 

"I promise I'd been meaning to owl you all week but, well... there's a lot of effort that went into making this house spotless. Charlie and Bill ended up dragging Ron and I into a few games of quidditch, too."

"I've never played quidditch," Belle mused, causing Harry's eyebrows to raise.

"Looks like I'm going to have to give you three presents, then. You can't be almost twenty and not have played quidditch yet!"

"I don't like brooms!" Belle replied, but both her and Harry could hear the laughter in her tone. 

"Come on, you two. Mum's got dinner ready," Ron called.

"I'll get you on a broom before the end of the week, Miss Frenche," Harry said and Belle nudged him.

"We'll see about that, Potter."

Belle noticed first that the inside of the Burrow was incredibly warm and felt delightfully home-y. It was slightly cluttered, but it only made Belle want to explore it further. Worn couches and armchairs were placed in a cozy circle around the crackling fireplace and a delicious smell wafted from the kitchen. A largest Christmas tree stood in the corner of the room and Belle couldn't stop the giggle from leaving her mouth as she noticed the gold-painted gnome that acted as a stand-in angel at the top of the tree. George had delightfully informed her that it was his idea to put the gnome on top of the tree. A long table had been set up in the middle of the room and was groaning under the weight of the plates that hd been set up along it.

"That smells amazing," Belle remarked, causing Mrs Weasley to smile at her.

Dinner was a joyous occasion, though there was an undertone of sadness to it as one of the chairs at the table next to George remained empty. Unbeknownst to everyone but Belle, however, Fred was sitting in that very chair with a content smile on his face as he stared at his family around him.

Belle was no longer just a friend to him anymore she was his family. They'd kept each other grounded when they were at their worst and Fred didn't know if he would have been able to handle Limbo and the looming threat of the Underworld without the brunette Ravenclaw. They were both grateful for each other and Belle was glad to have met him, even if it was in the most unfortunate conditions.

Collette, Clarice and Mrs Weasley took to the kitchen to clean up after dessert had been served and everyone was stuffed full with ice-cream, toffee eclairs and mint humbugs. Just before she followed the rest of the Weasley's into the living room so they could open presents, Belle made herself present to Mrs Weasley and gave the woman a small, sad smile.

"I'm sorry that Fred couldn't be here with us physically, Mrs Weasley," Belle said and Molly teared up, patting the girl's shoulder as though it would stop the tears from falling.

"Thank you, Belle. George mentioned you visited him the other day and I don't know what you said, but I haven't seem him smile in over a year. I've heard all about you from Ron, Hermione and Harry and I want to thank you, Belle, for healing my family when I couldn't." 

It was Belle's turn to blink back tears and she gave Mrs Weasley a small smile before the latter entered the kitchen and the former returned to the living room.

Bill, Fleur, Charlie and Percy had all felt incredibly guilty when they had received presents from Belle, but none of them had gotten her something in return. She'd told them that she didn't need anything and allowing them into their house for the week best present she could have asked for. She wasn't lying, too, as Belle believed that the best present anyone could give was the one of happiness. 

Belle had received a multitude of candy from the rest of the people in the room as Harry had let it slip that Belle had a sweet tooth. Hermione and George had both bought her a series of books each and Mrs Weasley had even been so kind as to knit all of the Frenche women a sweater. Belle's was a midnight blue with a silver B in the middle and she'd thrown it on immediately, much to her delight. 

After learning about Ron's brothers earlier on in the year from him, it wasn't hard to Belle to find gifts for all of them. She bought Bill a new pair of shark-tooth earrings, Charlie a pair of heat-resistant gloves and Percy a set of quills in all different feather-types. She'd found a pair of beautiful, silver rings that she'd given to both Bill and Fleur, so they would be able to speak to each other though the jewellery when they were away from each other. Fleur had hugged her tightly after she'd put it on.

She'd found multiple, muggle cookbooks that she'd given Mrs Weasley and a series of books that introduced Mr Weasley to the Muggle world for a wizard's perspective, something that he'd been overjoyed at.

Throughout the years, Belle had put together a small journal of prank ideas that James, Sirius and Remus had all tried on students throughout their years at Hogwarts and had decided to give it to George, in the hopes that he'd find some use for it. She'd written a small message in the front of the book, which had caused him to send her a watery smile as he read it.

With love, from Fred and the Marauders.

Hermione had been overjoyed at the stories she'd received and Ron had gone bright red in the face when he'd open the box to reveal candy that Belle had ordered from all over the world. She, however, didn't give Harry anything at that very moment, and had told him that it would be better for him to open it later, when he was alone. 

When everyone had broken off and gone to do their own thing, Hermione, Belle, George and Ginny took to the backyard where Belle knew the latter two were eager to ask her questions about her sight.

"I know you've been waiting to ask questions, so go ahead. I'll answer as best as I can." 

Ginny was the first one to speak and asked immediately about her brother.

"Can you see him? Is he here?" Belle smiled gently at Fred, who was pulling faces next to George.

"He's been here all night. In fact, he tried getting me to pick up the marshed parsnip so I could throw it at Percy - something about a new, Christmas tradition?" Belle raised an eyebrow as each of the people surrounding her burst into laughter.

"He's been with you all long, Ginny," Belle said softly once it had quietened again.

"And Sirius? Remus, Tonks, Cedric, are they there too?" George asked and Belle nodded.

"Remus and Tonks are with Andromeda and Teddy. Cedric is with his family and Sirius is here. So are Lily and James."

"Harry's parents?" George asked and Belle nodded.

"I've been able to see them since Cedric died," she replied and Ginny ran a hand over her face.

"What about Snape? Dumbledore? The death eaters and..."

"Voldemort? No I haven't seen him. Snape passed through to the Underworld a month ago and Dumbledore passed through straight away. Some of the Death Eaters still hang around but they can't do anything - there's bigger threats than Voldemort waiting for them on the other side of the Underworld doors," she replied.

"But.. but back to Fred and the others. Are they happy?" Ginny asked once more and Belle nodded, with a small smile on her face.

"He is now, Ginny. He is now."

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