Oopsy Daisy?

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Izzy's POV:

When I wake up, my head was resting on Calum's chest. I shriek and push him off the bed.

"Ow. What was that for?" he asks rubbing his head.

"I dunno." I shrug.

"Boredom!" I say and smile a toothy grin. he shakes his head.

"Boredom isn't fun with you." I silently agree. Boredom with me was dangerous.

"It's fun time!" I yell. He stares at me as a grab his Xbox controller. I turn the Xbox on and start playing COD.

"It's on!" He yells.

"Prepare to get yo ass whooped!" I scream.

"Oh it's on shitface!"Calum laughed back.

I laughed and we played COD.

Taylah's POV:

I woke up to Luke sleeping with his eyes closed.

I smiled and laid there.

Jack an Ben (his older brothers) came bursting in.

"Fuck off!" I yelled.

I could hear a chuckle from Luke.

They walked out and I opened my eyes to Luke breaking out in fits of laughter.

"Twat." I mumbled.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing" I said back.

"Tell me!" He said walking over to me.

"No" I said back smiling.

He started to tickle me.

"L-l-let m-m-m-me g-g-go!" I screamed.

"Tell me," He said back.

"I called you a twat!" I screamed.

"There I stopped." He said letting me go.

We just cracked up laughing.

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