33. Reality #10

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When I arrived home, I saw Guanlin standing at my front door with something in his hand. It was a box of donuts. They better be glaze...

"What're you doing here?" I ask and shrugs.

"I just wanted to apologise... I'm sorry... I should've believed you when you said you didn't send the post... You're not that kind of person..." he looks down with a troubled face. "And I shouldn't have been rude to you without hearing your explanation ..... I'm so sorry, Y/N."

Then without realising it, I started to cry. Shit Y/N. You're such a crybaby.

"Y/N?! Why are you-"

"Why didn't you call or texted me earlier?" I cried. "I missed you so much and I thought you hated me!"

"Don't cry! I'm so sorry... I take back whatever I said. I don't hate you. In fact, I love you!"

Wait. What. Did he just say he loved me?!

"I-I-I mean as a Best Friend,"

... Kill me now. Freakin Hell I also owe fairy $20.


"Truce to not fight ever again? Please..."


He says with a smile. I hugged him tightly I never before. He pats my head and we were fine. We're Friends again... but I wanted to be more than that.

"Hey, Can I come in? I have donuts for you in case my sincere apology didn't work..."

"Yeah! Are they glaze?"

"Yep. Your favourite,"

I open the door and enter. Then, if I want to be more than Friends, I just gotta work harder.

Guanlin's POV

Guanlin you garbage. You had the chance. Your mouth gave you a chance. But you blew it with the 'I mean as a Friend.' Stupid stupid.

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