"Cory, the code needs me to go down there," Uni said. 

"Yeah well, we'll see what happens," Cory said looking down. 

I grab his shoulder, "You're getting to close, don't fall."

He shakes his head, "I"ll be fine." 

Alpha whines and I look to her, "What?"

"If you guys find away down, I'm going to stay up here," Alpha puts her head down. 

I raise an eyebrow, "Alpha, What is going on with you lately?" 

"You don't understand what I'm going through," She hissed. 

"Why haven't you told me?" I felt a heat wave over me, "Why don't you trust me?!" 

Everyone turned to us, at this point I didn't care. 

"What's going on?" Cory asked. 

"It's none of your business," I glared at them. 

Alpha stared at me, "I can't tell you."

I face her, a feeling of hurt washed over me. "I cared for you ever since you were a puppy. I've helped you with everything. But you can't tell me why you are hurting this time?" 

She stays quiet. 

"...Whatever," I head to the house next to us, "I'll be inside here." 

All of eyes on me while I walk away from them. I need to cool down, If I wanted to help with anything. 

"(Y/N)!" I hear someone call out to me. I ignore them and walk inside. 

I look around, a bed all the way on the side with a tiny kitchen next to the doorway. I walk towards the bed and sit down.  Leaning over to rest my hands and my face. 

The door opens and I put my head down. 

"(Y/N)... What happened out there?" I bring my head back up to look at the person. Even though I really don't want to.

"You're always here," I said. 

Cory makes his way over to me, "Is that good or bad?"

I force a smile, "Good, It helps me a little." He sits next to me, wrapping his arm around me. "Only a little?" He jokes.  My anger washes away, and I turn to look at the ground.

"I'll... be out there in a bit, I just need to calm down. A little..." I face him again. 

Bad idea, Bad idea, Bad idea!!

He smiles as he looks at me, and leans in to kiss my lips. I blush and pull away, "S-stop that, we need to be focus Cory..." 

Cory laughs at how flustered I was getting, "Fine, Fine. Couldn't help it, you're just too cute!"

"Whatever, I'll get you back," I stated while standing up, "When you least expect it!" I held my hand out to help him out. 

"Sure, Can't wait for that," he grabs my hand and we walk back out.

Adam, Uni and Alpha are waiting for us out there. 

"Took you long enough, what the hell were you two doing?" Adam smirks as he looks at our hands. 

I glare at him, "Don't.. worry about it." I let go of Cory's hand and walk towards Alpha. She doesn't look up at me.

"If, you're going to stay. Stay in there and wait until either Max comes or we do," I pointed to the place Cory and I just come out of.  "I'll leave food and water in there too..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2019 ⏰

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