Well, It got us so Far *sarcasm implied*

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I start to stand as the blue woman asks us to follow her. Luke grabs me and picks me up again, not even letting my feet touch the ground. 

"Luukeee! Let me walk!" I say.

"Yeah, you're kind of asking for a concussion at the moment. So no." He answers.  I sigh knowing he's right.

"Poopy head." I say and pout. Luke laughs.

"Poo....poopy... head?" He says though laughs.

"Yes. Don't laugh." I say.

"Whatever." Luke says smirking. 

When we come to a door, well more a vault door really, we enter.  Luke sets me down on my feet and we all look around.  We're in a room that has a giant windw leading to another room and the doctors and scientists are sitting at a table by the window looking at whatever is on the other side. They look up and walk over to us taking off our bracelets without explaining. 

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"We are going to try to fix the bracelets, but you four are going to train." One of them says.

"Train for what?... And if the bracelet didn't get us very far the first time then why would it work now?" I ask. 

"Wind is the hardest element to control.  You might need more help then the others, so go train." The same one says.

"Train for what?" I ask again.

"That's on a need-to-know basis." He says.  I'm about to explode and 'forget' I'm not supposed to mover, but Luke pulls me back and puts his hand over my mouth.  I growl again, and I can tell he's trying not to laugh when he speaks.

"I think what Sammy is trying to say, is that if it's important and has something to do with us then we would like to know." He says not taking his hand away from my mouth.

"You're training for battle, that's all you need to know."  He says.

"MHHHHMMHMHMHMHMHMH!!!..." I say muffled through Luke's stupid hand. The guy gives me a look and I glare at him.

"Everyone go into that room except for Kela." He says.  Um.... How am I going to walking in there? If i can't even walk how am I going to train? Kela and the blue woman sit at the table with them. I stand there, and Luke finally moves his hand.  Alek and Nyc look at each other and walk into the other room.  Luke puts me over his shoulder again and walks into the room and sets me down. 

"How am I supposed to train if I can't walk on my own with out hitting my head?" I ask and glance back at the window, which is apparently a one way mirror like in interrogation rooms.  Then I look back and see something... Is that a... Oh shit... I'm dead... It was nice knowing you guys.


(Nah, just kidding she doesn't die) 

"IS THAT A DAMN DRAGON!!??" Alek yells.


"So I was right about them making dinosaurs!?" ALek yells.

"NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR 'I TOLD YOU SO'S!!" Nyc yells.  Luke and I look at each other.

"Um... Guys?" I say, and they look back. "It's getting closer..." 


"No, but you see fire now." Alek says jumping and throwing  rapid fire balls at it's face.  One hits it's eye and it burns, I look away.  Luke starts moving the ground underneath it and making it un level, but it doesn't fall just stumbles. So, I try to get a little closer, but immediately start flying, but this time instead of stopping and falling I just try to make it make me go forward. When I get close enough I try to make it let me just float long enough for what I'm trying to do.  I blast wind at it, but it still just stumbles and thrashes it's arms at us.  I try to make the wind faster without me falling instead and it works.  It falls with a loud thud that moves the entire place, and Nyc puts a big unbreakable bubble in it's mouth and nose. Then it um... Drowns? I slowly decrease the wind keeping me up and float down, but end up falling anyways about five feet in the air.  

"Ouch..." I say and get up and look around at the others as we are called back into the room.

"Ok, now one at a time." The guy says when we get into the room.

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