Chapter 17

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"Hey!" Franklin calls back up to Owen. "You good?"

Owen looks at Claire and then meets my eyes again. He shrugs.

"Yeah. You?"

Franklin shakes his head with a smile on his face.


"We got a problem downstairs, I need you to come see this!" Zia calls out to them, and the three look between themselves.

"We'll be right down!"

It takes a few minutes but they find their way back to the museum. As soon as I see Owen I take a hop-step away from Zia and he runs forward, wrapping his arms around me tightly. He supports me completely and squeezes me, as though he's trying to make sure I'm real. I dig my fingers into his shoulders as I burrow my face into his neck. I breathe deeply, knowing he's safe, we're all safe.

I pull my head away and look up at him.

"We should- we should go downstairs now."
He nods in agreement and Zia leads us to the elevator. I start walk-hopping, using Owen as support, but he just sweeps his arm under my legs and resorts to carrying me instead. I sigh in annoyance, hating feeling this useless, but I suck it up for a few minutes.

We go down to the sub-levels again and the two lead us to a control room of sorts. There's a panel with buttons and there's screens everywhere showing security camera footage. Owen finally gives in and sets me down, but he keeps an arm around me.

Claire approaches the windows but I look from afar. Fire on the platforms casts an orange glow inside the control room, and clouds of gas pour over onto the floor. We can hear the cries of dinosaurs as they try desperately to break out of their cages. Claire turns to us with a saddened expression.

"They're all dying."

"The blast damaged the ventilation system. We did everything we could," Zia explains. Claire meets my eyes and I start trying to walk forward, and Owen gets the hint, escorting me over to the table. Claire walks over to a set of controls.

"I can open the gates from here."

I crane my neck to see what she's doing.

"Claire, be careful," Owen tells her quietly. "We're not on an island anymore." I look up at him, giving him a quizzical look before I push off him, using the table for support instead.

I watch in anxious anticipation as one by one Claire opens all the cages. The dinosaurs pour out of their tiny cells, flooding the main hall as they try to escape the gas. I look at the security footage of the cages and I gasp quietly as I see Bella circling her cage, shaking her head, trying to escape the gas.

We have to get them out. We don't have a choice.

Finally Claire opens the last cage and she walks around me, positioning her fingers over a big red button.


She goes to press it, but she pauses. I wait for a few moments, watching, waiting for her to press it already.

"Claire." Owen's voice is low, and he sounds almost scared. "You press that button, there is no going back."

"I can't let them die," she whispers, staring at the button with such intensity. She hesitates.

"Claire," I whisper. She looks at me. I stare at her with wide eyes, questioning her. Will you do it?

She finally makes her decision. She gasps as she steps away from the button, and I feel my heart shatter. Tears fill my eyes as she walks to the window to watch. I turn to Owen, who looks regretful as he, too, turns to watch the dinosaurs. Claire's shoulders shake as she cries.

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