Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Song: Time is Running Out by Muse


“Alexander?” My voice echoes through the hallway I stood in. It looked very similar to the ones at school, except there wasn’t a single person in sight. The hallway seemed to go on forever, and Alexander was stood a long ways away from me.

He was looking in a different direction, staring at something that I couldn’t see. He didn’t look up or show any sign of recognition as I called out to him.

“Alexander!” I screamed again. I feel my legs begin walking towards him. I wasn’t sure what I was doing. I didn’t want to be in this hallway again. I wanted to leave, to go home. Except I couldn’t. My legs continued to walk forwards, against my will.

I watch as a grin forms on his face, and his head finally turns to face me. I realize then that he’s holding something in his hand… red drops are dripping from his fingertips.

My eyes move down to the object and a scream forms in my throat. A short knife is gripped in his fist, blood dripping down it. All I want to do is turn and run, to escape this scene. Instead, they continue on towards him, until I’m stood right next to him, staring up at his sinister eyes.

He grins at me before turning to look forward again. I follow his gaze, eager to see what he’d been staring at for so long. My eyes land on a frozen body, laying on cement with blood pooled out around it.

My heart began pounding, a gasp leaving my lips. I take a small step forward, peering around to see who it was. I take in the long, slim form, the cream skin and black hair. The male figure’s brown eyes were opened, staring off in the distance with a look of horror frozen to his beautiful face.

I could feel the screams leaving my throat, but no sound made it to my ears. All I could hear was the laugh coming from Alexander next to me. I turn to stare at the male next to me, my mouth hung open and eyes wide. “What did you do!” I screamed; no sound made it out.

Alexander smile at me, his hand lifting to cup his hear. “What was that?” He questions tauntingly.

“You killed him!” I yelled, trying to move towards Alexander. My feet stayed frozen in their spot, unable to move.

Alexander shakes his head, shrugging. “Wake up, Veronica.”

I look back at Zayn’s still figure, watching the blood seep out of the wound in his side. “Wake up.”

My eyes open then, my fingers clutching the bed sheets under me. I look down at my bed, realizing I’d kicked off the bed covers, leaving me in my pajama shorts and a tank top. I’d fallen asleep last night while studying for a test I had the next day. My book was flipped open beside me, a couple papers scattered around.

I yawn, moving to sit up in bed. What a terrible dream. I shuttered at the memory, trying to rid myself of the memory.

I hear a noise come from the chair across my room, and I instantly freeze. My eyes snap towards the chair and land on Alexander, who stares at me with a wicked smile.

“Sleep well?” He asks, his voice calm and soothing.

I gasp, knowing full well he’d put the dream into my head. He had the ability to manipulate a person’s mind. Not their thoughts exactly, but what they think they see. He could put images into one’s mind or make them believe they’re somewhere they aren’t, or feel something they don’t. I shudder.

I quickly jump out of bed, backing away from him and towards my door. I didn’t want him anywhere near Riley, or even Miranda and Scott for that matter. “What do you want?”

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