Someone New

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Forced Ties Chapter 1 :

Jimin is a man who doesn't do much in his life. His career revolves around design marketing, and product design. Finding a job that is enjoyable and brings in the big bucks can be quite a challenge. Jimin never wanted to do business, it just wasn't his environment. However, his parents had convinced him that its not so bad. You can say Jimin is pretty talented in art, so that's what he chose. After graduating college, with the help of his parents he released his own store and company. He was told that that was such a basic job, it won't stand out. But even so, he could careless on his parents' opinion.

Taehyung, is a man who does a lot in life. He is the young possible future CEO of his father's company. Unfortunately for him, he is the second son in his family. The Kims have a huge string of hotels that they have their hands own. Recently, they've just opened two brand new hotels. One in San Francisco, California, and another in London, England. You can say it's pretty cliché that Taehyung dislikes his job, but he does. Not to an extent where he would rebel against his parents though. He finds his own ways to make it entertaining for him.

It's quite odd actually, how did these two different people end up being caught in an arranged marriage?

"Mom, I said I don't want to. I don't even know the guy!" Jimin complains once he received the news.
"You young adults always speak of nonsense. I didn't know your father when I married him, and we're completely fine," Mrs. Park sighed. Jimin groaned, throwing himself on his bed. He was so happy until now. There's still so many young years for him to spend single, yet now he's getting married, to a man too. No, he's not homophobic. Same sex marriages have been accepted more and more as years pass, but Jimin, is straight. He thinks, and hopes. "The guy's extremely rich. It'll help boost your company and stores, just go along with it, okay?" Jimin rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
"I don't care that he's rich, I'm doing fine."


"Dad, you can't make me marry a guy. In fact, I don't want to get married at all yet," Taehyung argued in his father's office. His dad stared at him, calm, the complete opposite of Taehyung.
"You know this is how it works in the business industry. We made a deal with Mr. And Mrs. Park, but we cannot trust them. I had no choice but to hand you over and create family ties," Mr. Kim says. Taehyung breathed heavily with anger in his eyes. He shouldn't be this angry, but he seriously is not interested in relationships. They're so time consuming. The partners, they're always so clingy and begging to do this and that. Taehyung hated it the idea of relationships. Life is so much easier when you're alone, making your own decisions.
"What about Taehoon? He's still quite young, probably closer in age to this Park. Oh, and he's still pure, why not shape him into the great business man you want?" Taehyung retorted. Mr. Kim kept his dead character and stayed calm.
"Your younger brother is only in high school, he still has much more to learn."
"Taehyung, marry the man."

Taehyung stomped out of his father's office, and out of the company. He drove over to his friend Jungkook's office and cooled down in there.
"Taehyung, why are you even upset? You saw this coming," Jungkook said as he continued his design on his iMac.
"Yea, but Jungkook you know how I feel about relationships," Taehyung returned.
"I mean, I'm in a relationship with you, we're friends."
"You know what I mean," Taehyung scoffed and got up from the couch he was sitting on. He walked over to the window and looked out into Seoul. In this crowded place, he couldn't manage to find a single soul he'd want to love.

There were many times where girls would confess to him during his school days. He rejected them all coldly. Even though he's "mean", girls just couldn't get enough of him and kept confessing their love to him. Taehyung really had no opinion on their feelings at all. It was all just for the looks anyways. No one really knew him and liked him for him.

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