Disclaimer/Warning/Whatever you call these

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(I don't know who would read these because, honestly, even I usually skip straight to the juicy stuff.)


Hullo, folks! Today, I will be presenting a few things you may or may not need to know before you begin to read ahead.

So, basically, I just wanted to say in advance that this is not directed at any individual/ethnicity/social group/etc., though most of those will probably not be mentioned unless it has to do with the topic...


What I'm trying to say (and miserably failing to do so) is that I'm just putting my thoughts out there for fun, not as a way to hate on anyone or belittle anyone.

So, take it with a grain of salt. I may even be generous enough to put out my opinions on what makes a story great! Though, my opinion might not even matter, considering the fact that I am just a bored person sitting behind a screen to see what randomness of the internet can entertain me.

That aside, I should also probably warn you that I get pretty "wordy." That means that for some reason, my sentences tend to get very very long when I'm trying to explain something.

I'm the person who struggles to finish an essay because mine exceeds the word limit. :P

So just a heads-up.

No one is probably even reading up to this point, so I'll just end it there. -.-



I've been meaning to come back here and put a proper disclaimer for a while, so here I am finally doing it. After putting out so many chapters, I feel it necessary to write a proper explanation of how things are done here, just because I feel a bit icky about some of the chapters I've written.

Disclaimer 1: Now that it's been several years working on this book, I can safely say that some of my earliest rants may or may not have been insensitive, ignorant, and/or different to what I think now. I wouldn't say my thoughts on the clichés have changed, necessarily, but I feel I provided poor examples of those clichés or poorly explained why I hate them in my earlier rants. 

An example of that is my stance on BDSM books. While I don't particularly enjoy the genre, I feel I may have portrayed it in a negative light in my rants without even researching it due to my biases, and I made the same mistake as E.L. James by portraying it as abusive (at the time, Fifty Shades—and Wattpad books trying to emulate it—was my only source of knowledge for the kink). I get that there is a place for it in the world, and I do feel bad about some of the things I said about it as I've come to realise it's supposed to be happening within a healthy relationship. I apologise in advance. This is probably the biggest mistake I've made in my rants, which is why I'm addressing it here. 

The other ones are negligible opinions that are inoffensive either way. It's merely a change in taste or gaining more understanding of the subject and not being as mad at it, nothing too serious.

Disclaimer 2: Though my opinions have changed, I will NOT be going back to rewrite chapters. I mean, this is a random rant book, not an actual novel. Why would I go back and rewrite opinions? It just doesn't seem very logical.

Rather, if I want to discuss something that is significantly different from my initial rants, I will just release a new chapter. I'd feel pretty bad about changing my earlier ones because it works as a reminder of how I grew as a person and a creator, and how much fun I once had on this app. I want my older rants to be a nostalgic trip and laugh and cringe at my younger self and to remind myself of how far I've come.

Disclaimer 3: This book is not meant to tell writers HOW to write. It's literally a book about MY OPINIONS, which means that MY PREFERENCES and MY DISLIKES is the whole point of it. I don't expect the entire publishing world or Wattpad to revolve around what I want. There is a place for all genres because the world if full of different people with different preferences and different opinions. And Wattpad can't really control what people put out unless it's something that goes against the site's guidelines (even then, there are billions of books on here, so they can't exactly remove every single site-illegal book especially if said book only has one or two reads).

Regardless, what I'm trying to say is that it's okay if you disagree with what I have to say. I'm not trying to take anything away from anyone by bashing the things I don't like. There are plenty of things I like that other people don't, and I don't get butt hurt over them expressing the reason they don't like what I do. If we all liked the same things, the world would be such a boring place, so don't let my opinions shame you on what you like. Because at the end of the day, I don't even know you, and you shouldn't let a mindless tirade of a stranger dictate what you should and shouldn't like.

As much as I say some tropes should be completely annihilated (and I do mean it for some of them), I know that I can't control whether these tropes will be written or not, nor do I want that control. Because, if these tropes and clichés didn't exist, this book wouldn't either, and I think strongly disliking certain things can make for a very interesting discussion. And besides, my hatred of a certain trope shouldn't take away the enjoyment of it from others. That just doesn't seem right. 

I only want this book to express my perspective of things, so I will reiterate my original disclaimer again. Don't take it so seriously, and have fun, I guess.

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