"I don't know who you think you are, but you need help and I'm whiling to be there for you... just if you let me".
They don't like each other but they'll have to be together since one of their friends wants them to get along, so just for that he's g...
It was class time and you were with Dawon and Jaeyoon, the three of you were just working fine some minutes ago but everything changed when they pulled out his name, and it seems that everyone knows that you two have to work together. They were questioning you and they still are, about what? Well, the "breaking news" of Zuho and you working together.
-What's next then? Are you going to kill each other? – Dawon joked.
-Yah! Don't say that, I bet she will if you tell her – Jaeyoon complained while hitting Dawon's side.
-No, don't worry – You said while writing down on your notebook. –I'm just going to get used to seeing his face – You chuckled.
-Is that bad for you? – Dawon asked.
-Well, yesterday I left his house after he told me that I was immature and I told him he was annoying – You said while looking at Jaeyoon who was actually really concerned.
-Don't kill each other, please – Jaeyoon said concerned.
-*Chuckle* I won't kill him because everyone will come after me, and he's the one hating on me – You said while rolling your eyes.
-Yeah, she's right. Y/N didn't like us before and she told us why but Zuho haven't – Dawon said surprised. –Maybe he's hiding something from us – He said alarmed.
-Idiot, he's not – Jaeyoon said while rolling his eyes. –He's a good guy, after all, he's kind and honest when you get to know him – Jaeyoon added.
-Well, you have a point there – Dawon said while nodding.
-Whatever – You said while looking away from them.
-Yah~ Y/N, you have to go to the party! You are not going to get away from it because of him – Dawon said while looking at you.
-I wasn't planning to skip it even if I wanted to – You said before you sighed. –I vowed to go, right? So I have to respect that – You added with a settle smile.
-Good, you'll see that everything will be so awesome – Jaeyoon said happily. –By the way, there's only one rule – He added.
-Which one? – You asked.
-Everything that happens there stays there, and if someone says something about it we'll deny everything and actually punish that person somehow – Jaeyoon assured.
-But that has never happen before so you don't need to worry – Dawon said while patting your head.
-I guess I'll have to trust you then – You said with a settle smile.