"I don't know who you think you are, but you need help and I'm whiling to be there for you... just if you let me".
They don't like each other but they'll have to be together since one of their friends wants them to get along, so just for that he's g...
You were at your place trying to get yourself together, you were calmer than before and you definitely feel way better after going out of college. Honestly, the way you reacted to what happened earlier this day you now can say that it was way too childish and very stupid. It's obvious that you didn't want to be with him since the very beginning but there's nothing else to do, so you are trying to be very positive and think that you are going to finish up your project really fast since after all you don't want to be together for a long time.
You kept resting on your bed while thinking about the things you need to do when suddenly you heard your phone ringing, you just picked it up and saw the screen.
-Hey, what's up? – You said while answering Inseong's call.
-Oh, what's up? That's all you got to say? – Inseong asked a bit mad.
-Yes, nothing else – You said bare.
-I know what happened with Zuho, and you know what? You were so immature – Inseong complained.
-Yah! I know and I'm sorry – You said a bit annoyed. –But I hate him, okay?
-Both of you hate each other and I get why you hate him, but Y/N this is just a project – Inseong complained once again.
-Okay, I get it – You said annoyed. –Geez, you seem like my older brother.
-Well someone needs to tell you what you did wrong – Inseong said. –By the way, are you feeling any better? – He asked.
-Yes, a lot better – You admitted. –I just needed to think about the fact that I have to see his face more often – You joked.
-*Chuckle* I'm glad you feel much better, and you know that if you need help with anything I'm here for you – Inseong said kindly.
-I know, and thank you – You said pleased. –I just need to talk to him and get things done quickly.
-Oh, don't worry about that. I talked with him after classes were over – Inseong said.
-Aw, thank you – You said with relief. –So what's going to happen then? – You asked.
-He told me that he's going to call you, and probably you'll see each other today – Inseong said a bit concerned.
-It's fine, I already saw his face today so to see him one more time is not a big deal – You said as you tried to think positive.
-Great then, I hope you finish soon – Inseong said. –Fighting!
-Fighting! And thank you for calling, it really helps a lot – You said happily.
-No need to thank, and please don't kill each other – Inseong joked.
-*Chuckle* I'll try not to – You said. –I'll see you tomorrow then.
-See you tomorrow, take care – Inseong said happily.
-Take care – You said before ending the call.
Feeling more relaxed, feeling really positive just as Jaeyoon always tries to remind you to be, and just trying to feel like everything will past fast enough for you to be on ease again. You actually don't hate Zuho that much, or maybe you do? Like you can't really know since you don't have any clue why he hates you that bad, he isn't that close to you so it's hard to tell why he behaves so rude with you.
-"Unknown number, it's obviously him" – You thought while looking at your phone which is ringing, honestly, like not even exaggerating but you were just looking at the phone careless and just so annoyed. But either way, you answered the call.
-What's the deal then? – You immediately said while answering his phone call.
-Just come to my place and let's start doing the project, I'll send you the details through text – Zuho said before he ended the call.
-Wow, that was fast – You said while looking at your phone surprised when actually you shouldn't, after all, is Zuho the one you were talking to.
You are with Zuho just doing some research and writing down some things for your project which is actually an essay, a really long and tiring essay. He wasn't talking to you at all, he was way too focused on the work to even listen to you right now and you actually don't think he would want to.
Right now you are really, but really trying to concentrate but you really can't. Maybe is because you are with him when you actually don't want to but it doesn't make sense to you at all, and since you can't even think about something clearly you were just passing the book's pages without even carrying about the information.
-What are you doing? – Zuho asked while looking at you.
-Hmm, what? – You asked while focussing on reality again.
-Are you doing something? – Zuho asked.
-Of course, I am – You said while looking at your book once again.
-Why are you acting like this? You are usually really focused on work - Zuho asked while writing down on his notebook.
-Maybe it's because I'm here with you – You complained.
-I'm honoured that I make you feel that way – Zuho said before he chuckled.
-It isn't funny – You said a bit annoyed.
-Yeah, I know but we don't have any other choice – Zuho said before he sighed. –You look sleepy.
-And what about it? – You asked in defence.
-Well, it's my kind way to ask you to leave – Zuho said as he looked at you seriously.
-I can go if you want, I think we did a good amount of work today – You said while closing the book.
-Well, I made since you were so lost in your thoughts – Zuho clarified which made you feel so annoyed because you actually did work. –Hopefully, you can concentrate better at your house.
-I'm sure I will since I won't have anyone bugging me – You said annoyed while putting your things inside your backpack.
-I didn't talk in all the time you were here – Zuho complained. –You are so childish.
-And you are so annoying – You said while grabbing your things. He was getting into your last nerve and you don't really want to fight with him, you already have way too many enemies to make another one right now. But honestly, he annoys the crap out of you.
-I prefer to be annoying than an immature person – Zuho said while both of you started to walk towards the door entrance.
-Whoa! You say it like you weren't immature – You said while rolling your eyes.
-Sorry, what did you say? – Zuho asked as he followed you from behind.
-You heard me clearly – You said before going out of his house, at this point you were so annoyed and the first thing you wanted to do is to end this up and finally get rid of this horrible project with him. Immature you? Well, yes but he's not that far away from you.