Something a bit different...

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So if you didn't know...I'm in the robotics club at my school. Everyone here is kinda nice and all but only one person makes me feel...uneasy...she's the club president. Now I wont give out any real names so we will just call her "J". Now J is an...Intersesting...person, for instance she likes to take charge in most things, thats her personality...I'm the same already we don't get along. You see if you have ever searched up "your zodiac sign" you would know your sign depends on what day you were born. Im a Leo...aka...someone that likes to take charge and stay in charge...and if my dad is correct...J is a Leo aswell.

Now do you see where I'm coming from? I can't talk to her "normaly"...aka it feels like she's watching every single move I make and judging me based on what I do...yeahhhh that. So, having two Leo's in the same room together...doesn't mix all that well. That's kinda why I cant confront J...another reason is because she gave me the "stink eye" when I asked if she was the club president when I was a freshman. You see I was confused during the first club meeting and I though J was just a normal club member. But, turns out she's the one that took attendance of all the club members the next club meeting...something only the president of the club she probably thought I was an idiot.

But in reality, I was just confused and didn't know what was going on. The only real club members I can actually talk to normaly are the build team leader and the programming team leader...but the main problem is...I have no clue what to do most of the, that means I'm forced to ask J for a job to do...but most of the time she just brushed me off and says "go help the build team leader". I go to him and ask what I can do and he tells me to do something...but sometimes it's something I don't know what to do. And if he's busy...I have to ask J for help...

Last time I asked for help...she kinda was a bit rude...I don't know if it's because of her personality or if it's because I'm a bit "Imature" but, it kinda gave me the idea of...she hates you and she wished you were not part of the know that feeling...but yet again, she praised me on something once and even comes over INTERESTED in what I'm drawing during seminar.

So, I'm getting mixed feelings from dad said "if J gives you any trouble...Stand Your Ground And Call Her Out On It" but, I'm scared to 1 either fight J...or 2 get kicked out of the club...but if I get kicked out then my dad stops being a mentor for the club. Which means the club stops getting money from the place that he works at.

So, now...I don't really know what to do about this...maybe you all can give me some help or...should I confront her?...anyways thanks for listening ^^

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