Moving On (Thranduil x Reader)

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This imagine was requested by Twilightshadow-of-NC Imagine being King Thranduil's wife. After Legolas is born you both are happy. However, Thranduil doesn't notice the change happening before his eyes...

Light streamed through the gauze curtains as you smiled at your newborn son.

He lay wrapped in your arms, his pink ears poking out the sides of his blanket. A tiny fist also was sticking out, and gripping the long finger of his father.

You looked into the eyes of your husband, peace and contentment written there. In every crease from his smiling face there was the pride of a proud father. Using your free arm you reached up and tucked a strand of his loose platinum hair behind his ear.

"My dear, what shall we call him?" You asked softly.

His gaze shifted from his son to your face, still retaining that same soft look. He sat pondering for a second until he looked up and out the window.

You followed his gaze and noticed how the vibrant green leaves of the ancient Greenwood fluttered in the breeze. A smile spread across both your faces.

"Legolas," he breathed, "the most bright and shining leaf in all the forest. Of course, only because of you my love."

You chuckled and shook your head.

"It's perfect, but hopefully he doesn't inherit your sense of corny flattery," you replied.

He laughed and slowly leaned down to kiss your forehead.

"Well I'll feel sorry for anyone that has to deal with him if he inherits your sense of wit and sass," he retorted.

You only smiled warily, for you were still very tired and sore. He noticed this and offered to hold his son.

You watched as he stared down at the heir to his kingdom. He smiled brightly and cooed at the elfling. Here was your strong and tough king, oohing and aahing over a baby.

The scene before you was a happy one, one of the most joyful in your life.

Before you knew it your eyes were closing, and sweet peaceful sleep descended upon you.

Seeing that you had fallen asleep, Thranduil leaned over you, Legolas in his arms, and kissed your cheek.

He'd let you get your rest.

It turns out, you'd need more than expected.

"Legolas! Stop tugging on mommy's hair!" you giggled as your son grabbed for your long locks.

Your fingers immediately went to his sides and little feet, tickling him in hopes of distracting him.

Amazingly, it worked! He burst into fits of laughter that pealed like a bell through the air. You picked him up and spun him around, getting a rush as you did so.

"My love have you seen-" Thranduil was cut off when he saw the scene before him.

He merely paused in the doorway and watched in contended silence. His smile was wide, until he saw what happened next.

Apparently you had spun around a little too fast, for a dizzy spell came on you and you fell on your butt. Startling (but not hurting) Legolas of course.

He started to cry and Thranduil rushed in, pulling the two of you up in his arms. He guided you to a chair and you sat down.

"(Y/N/H)? Are you alright?" He asked tentatively.

It took a moment before you replied, his voice seemed far away and wobbly. It was then that you realized Legolas was crying.

"Yes! Of course," you replied hurriedly, but a little slurred. You held Legolas closer to your chest, comforting him.

His eyebrows knit together in concern.

"Something tells me that is not so," he suggested. "This is the third time this week you've fallen."

You chuckled nervously, for it hadn't escaped your notice either.

"I'm not sure what's happening," you joked, "the joys of life just have me dizzy."

The look on his face saddened as he noticed your untouched breakfast on the night table.

"You've not eaten much in these last few days. Now, I don't know what's going on, but I intend to figure this out. No more strain for you, my dear," he said solemnly, but with fierce protection in his eyes.

You pondered his words and in the back of your mind was that inkling of a thought. Something that had lurked in your psyche since you were young.

"We will figure this out," you said consolingly, more for him than yourself. "And I can handle anything, as long as my husband and my son remain with me."

He smiled then, the light from the fireplace flickering off his white teeth.

"Every time you say that, it feels like I'm hearing it for the first time," he spoke softly. "Now, let's get you two to bed."

He picked you up bridal style, Legolas nestled in your arms. Once you and the baby were safely tucked into the sheets, he got in beside you. However, it was hard for you to notice.

Your mind was lost in thought, in a prophecy that was spoken over you as a babe. Elves may live very long, but not all that is gold glitters.

Eventually, leaves that are green, turn to brown.

The next few weeks were confusing, and frustrating. Thranduil, trying every bit of knowledge and magic and healing he could muster. And none of it working.

The once vibrant way you moved, was kept alive only in your glittering eyes, and those of your son. Bed was where you resided, no longer able to lift the hands that played the harp so gracefully.

Even still, in the end, you took solace in the company of your small family.

You finally convinced Thranduil that trying was futile, and that what you really needed was him.

And so, after a long night of reminiscing and laughter, one that was long overdue, you layer back contentedly. He laid next you, his arm around your shoulders as the orange leaves of the forest floated in the breeze.

The strain of staying up all night was wearing on you. Even still, the hurt of laughter lingered in your belly. You closed your eyes, basking in the coolness of the dark.

All noise ceased to exist. Then, there was only light.

Tears in his eyes, Thranduil smiled at the rising sun.

And he was left to battle a giant that we all must face.

Moving on.

Hey gang, I know it's been awhile but here I am. I have really missed writing for this book. But, I'm back. Not taking requests at the moment, but I will let you know when I do😁 thank you all for being so patient. See you next chapter!

Love, TheAvenged

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