Chapter Seven

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Dedicated to: CeCiPizza167 for the amazing dedication she has to this story. Thank you so much. Your literally the first person to usually comment and vote for my chapters, so this chapter is for you. :)

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Chapter Seven

"That's just adorable." Ava said, and used her hand to gesture up and down my body at my outfit.

"Why?" I asked, picking at the hem of sweater shirt.

Before Ava could answer, an annoying voice rang through the main building hallway. I groaned and slammed my locker as I turned to face Louis who was smirking at me. I did a once over of him and gaped, we were wearing almost the exact same outfit except he had red skinny jeans, white converse and a navy blue jumper.

"Twins!" Louis exclaimed with sarcasum.

I ran my hands down my face and groaned. This was not happening. I mean, how did this even happen? This stuff only happens in those cheesy movies and those crappy romance novels - I mean, not that I would that pssh no.

"Now, that's is adorable." Ava said, smiling innocently at me, "I didn't know you two started to dress alike. You're closer than I thought you two were!"

"It's not like we planned this Ava," I pointed out.

Louis slung an arm over my shoulder, "Come on love, let's go show the whole Maths class how much we love each other."

I scrunched my nose up at the thought of me and Louis actually loving each other. That is humanly impossible. It would end up like one of those crappy romance novels - again, not that I read them. But the ones where the school player instantly falls for a girl who is playing hard to get, or a girl who hates him and he changes his player ways and then they live happily ever after.

No, that will never ever happen.

"Louis, Victoria - nice of you to join us." Miss Huttington commented casually, looking at the attendance sheet and checking our names off.

"Sorry," I apologized and she nodded.

Louis and I took our seats in Maths. I pulled out my notebook along with my phone and pencil from my canvas bag. I looked up to see Miss Huttington writing some equations along with a formula on the board, so I took the time to open up a new text message to Rose.

'Hi there. :)'

'Aren't u supposed to be in school?'

'Your point being ..'

'Lol girl. So how's Lauren. ;)'

'Idk, I haven't seen her today, but she's in my english class so woohoo for me!'

'ohemgee, I wish u could come 2 the mall with me. there r a TON of hot guys here :DD'

'fml. I got to go, Miss Huttington's passing out worksheets. )': Love you x'

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