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Today's facts :

👶A human baby has 60 more bones than humans.

👶 A human baby has about one cup of blood in his / her body.

👶 Babies are born with no bacteria in their body.

👶 New born babies can see only black and white for a few months.

👶 Neuroscientists believe babies don't dream the first few years they're born.

👶  Premature babies are most likely to be left-handed. ( A study says)

👶 Over 90% of women who learn that their carrying babies who are down syndrome, will choose abortion over keeping their baby. (A/N: my sister is down syndrome. But trust me, she is the best gift I can ever ask God for. So if there are pregnant mothers out there who are bearing babies with any kind of problems, then please don't do anything dumb. Because they are so innocent and will continue to be innocent forever unlike us. So...)

👶 A 20 month old baby became the youngest professional foot ball player after signed up by a Belgian club.

👶 Germany, Denmark, Iceland and other countries have an official rule of what their child should be named.

👶 60% of South Korean families use professionals to name their babies.

👶 Noah and Emma were the most popular names in US for boys and girls respectively in 2014.

👶 Kissing a baby on the ear can make it go deaf because of a condition called cochlear ear-kiss injury.

👶 Babies cannot recognise themselves in the mirror until they are 18 months old.

👶 In some remote Indian villages, they drop a kid from the the top of a temple and a person below catches it. They believe it's good for health.

👶 Babies have accents. French babies' cry end with a high note while the German babies' cry end with a dropping note.

👶 Illegal names in New Zealand include Lucifer, Christ and Messiah.

That's it for 2day.

Good day, all.;-)

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