Chapter 48 - Blame it on the genes

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"I know, love. I know you've been hurt and now you're scared. I know that you're tired. But I also know that you're a strong woman, Lena. That's one of the things that made me fall in love with you in the first place."

Patrick leaned over and took both of her hands in his, "And I can't predict the future... but I know with certainty that if we ever break up, it won't be because of me. I went through hell to have this chance with you, no way will I screw this up."

"Why me? I don't deserve any of this! I've been horrible to you, I've been pushing you away... Why are you still here?"

Chuckling softly, Patrick pulled her close and hugged her tightly, her scent and the soft, familiar feel of her skin making him feel like he's home at last.

"Blame it on the genes, I guess?" He whispered. "My dad fell for my mom on sight and never wavered since. Even after more than a decade of being divorced, he held on to the hope that he will get her back somehow."

He pulled back and grinned at her teasingly, "Aren't you feeling lucky that you captured such a one-woman man?"

Olena responded to his attempts at lightening the mood and laughed softly. "I don't know if I'd consider myself lucky, though... I often wanted to strangle you fot being so stubborn."

"But you love me, right?"

Patrick's voice was teasing but Olena knew that he was serious, and that her answer would determine the course of their relationship.

Was she ready for this? Was she prepared to face whatever consequences this choice would bring to her life?

As she struggled for the answer, Olena saw fear and pain cross Patrick's face, and suddenly she knew what she wanted.

She wanted him to not be in pain anymore, especially not because of her. She wanted to let him know that all his pain and suffering were not in vain, and that she will pay him back tenfold with as much happiness as it was within her power to give.

She wanted him to know that yes, she did love him back. And that she wanted them to be together at last.

She was ready.

Leaning over, she pressed her mouth gently to his and let her feelings come across through their kiss. Patrick immediately responded, pulling her closer and deepening the kiss until she finally pulled back to catch her breath.

Olena looked around, becoming suddenly aware of their surroundings and felt her ears heat up in embarassment.

"I only meant to give you a peck," she chided him gently.

"You should have known I wouldn't be content with that, love. Not after I've waited for you this long."

The heat in Patrick's eyes only made her more embarassed and Olena ducked her head to let her hair cover her face.

Patrick chuckled softly, reaching out to tuck her hair behind her ear then cupped her chin upwards so she would meet his gaze.

"My love, you still get shy like a young girl," he teased her. "I'll really enjoy watching your ears turn red in the future. That's one of the first things I noticed about you, you know. How only your ears turn red when you're embarrassed. It's cute."

Olena covered her eyes and tried to pull away, but Patrick held her back, his face turning serious again.

"I need to hear you say it, Lena. I want things to be clear between us, I don't think I can handle another heartbreak."

She immediately knew what he meant, and this time, she was more than willing to give him what he wanted. No more hesitations this time. He deserved better.

"I love you, Pax."

Patrick felt warmth spread through his body at her words, and it was all he could do to stop himself from jumping up right then and announce to the world that this was his woman, and she loved him too.

He contented himself with hugging her tightly again, whispering in her ear, "Thank you, love. For being brave and for giving me this chance. I will keep my promise, I swear."

He pulled back a bit to look deeply in her eyes as he finally said the words that have been bottled inside himself for so long.

"I love you so much, Lena. Please say you'll marry me."

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